Ice cream tears

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Kali Iris's POV

I raced inside clutching my wrists. Oh god soda what have you done? Steve sighed when I walked by. Most people have a love-hate relationship with Steve. Ours is all hate. I don't think he would care if I just dropped dead tonight. I fixed myself up. It took like ten minutes. The gang all stared at me in concern when I walked back out. "Women problems" I snapped causing them all to just turn their attention back to the tv. I ran out the door and found sodapop trying to read my text book. "I understand why you're frustrated." A smile crept up on me but I forced it away. "Kali Iris. It's okay to smile once in awhile" soda said and put his arm around me. It was nearly pitch black out. I offered to take my car but soda wanted to walk in the cold. I shivered and tried to play it cool but Sodapop noticed and rubbed my arm up and down. A gust of wind blew my hair back causing me to get chills. "Here. I know you want it" soda forced my his jean jacket. "I'm-I'm f-fine" i stuttered because my teeth wete chattering together. "I insist" he gave me a smile that instantly warmed my body. "Fine" i slipped the jacket on immediately feeling warmth. It smelled like Sodapop too. His arm was placed around my shoulder again when a pair of car lights passed and his arm stayed their until we arrived for ice cream. "Vanilla bean and chocolate on top along with sprinkles and you?" sodapop ordered. "Baby size, Low fat, sugarless plain vanilla please" the waitress gave me a look of disgust and walked away. "She was annoying" I rolled my eyes. "She didn't say anything?" sodapop defended her. "Yeah I know but did you see her face when I ordered. The nerve of some people" sodapop laughed. "Probably because that ice cream is disgusting. It probably has no flavor." He made a good point but I wasn't about to eat pointless calories and fat. "Whatever" I mumbled. I felt this urge to say something that's held me back for so many years. I was gonna tell sodapop how I felt. I'm tired of being in the friend stage with him. It's a ongoing thing that I want to be more, even though he could never love someone like me. "Hey soda, I-I-I just wanted to tell you...." "two ice creams" the waiter faked a smile then slipped him a torn piece of paper. He watched her butt while she walked away. I shook my head in disbelief, I could never stand a chance. "What were you telling me?" he took a bite of his ice cream. "Nothing. Nothing at all" I moaned and put my head sideways on the table and ate my ice cream. It was nasty. It's gross but I was never gonna tell him that I don't want to give him the satisfaction that he was right. we basically sat in dead silence and watched the people around us have a good time. Even though I was with sodapop right now I still felt so alone inside, like parts of me had no feeling. The waitress came back over to our booth without a apron and her hair was down. "Hey, sodapop right?" he nodded and smiled "kala rose?" she pointed to me. I snapped out of my depressed faze for a second but went right back at the sound of that name. I didn't give a shit though. "Sure" I nodded. She squeezed into our booth next to sodapop. They started having a conversation, leaving me out "I'm gonna go" i muttered "see ya kala rose" soda snickered. "I should go with her" soda tried to stand up. " No stay" the waitress whined. "Yeah stay. I'll be fine" i whispered on the verge of tears at the sight of how close their bodies were. "Yeah she's a big girl" she winked at me 'literally' she mouthed and pointed to my fat stomach, well it looked fat to me but in reality people would say 'I'm too skinny. Soda didn't even notice I was gone because that's when the tears formed in my eyes. I flinched every time I heard a car honk or breaks screech. I walked aimlessly for hours and headed up at my own house in 'my' bathroom. I sorta shared it with my sister but she used my mothers most of the time because when we were getting ready for school and shit she didn't want to be with me, she says I live a trashy life. But hey I'm a greaser. and my mother in that time we were using the bathroom was usually nursing a hangover. I pulled out my knife through my tears and sliced my skin seeing the blood drip down onto the tile floor and drip down my old scars, I was planning on remaking. I cut my wrists 14 times taking blood each time. Life was pointless to me. Theirs nothing for me to live for. I'm broken... to pieces.


Aweeee this story makes me so sad omg

I'm not sure if it will ever be happy. Idk maybe sodapop will save her

Kali rose lol it's kali Iris come one waitress number 1 lolol

Feedback? thanks babes

Xoxo stay gold

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