Josh... The soc

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Chapter 9

Kali Iris's POV

The bright head lights blinded me for a second, my hair was soaking wet along with my clothes from the rain. My make up was probably all of my face. I bet I looked so attractive right now, not. But when am I ever.

The person in the car repeated. "Yeah you, need a ride?" I shielded my eyes from the headlights and slowly shook my head. A clap if thunder made me jump, along with the light show came water works.

"Are you sure?" he called out again. My mind traveled else where, Sara and sodapop making out sickened me. Maybe this guy, probably a soc from the looks of his car, was my key to happiness. Tear sprung in my eyes and my mind nodded my head yes to the offer.

The soc stepped out of his car and wrapped his letterman jacket over my shoulders and ran to the other side of the car and opened the door.

I sniffled. "Wow what a gentleman, thank you" I scary thing about him was that I haven't seen his face yet. He turned on the car lights brightening his face. His bare arms from the lack of his jacket, his dark brown chocolate eyes, he had dark, jet black short, clean hair. "Hey, in josh" his snooty voice filled the air.

"H-hi I'm uh Kali Iris. Yo-you can call me K-kali or Iris or b-both it doesn't matter" my teeth chattered from being cold.

"Well Kali Iris, I would say you're cold. Here let's turn the heat up." I couldn't help but smile at his smile. It took me into a trance, this is the first boy in ages, excluding sodapop because I don't trust him anymore, that has actually paid attention too me. I smoothed out my dirty blonde hair and tried to make myself acceptable.

"I-is it okay if I look in the mirror?" I asked not knowing if he minded.

"By all means" he laughed. He hasn't started the car yet, we just sat there. I flipped down the mirror and looked at my face, my makeup wasn't too bad. I took my thumb and tried my best to whip most of it off that was left under my eyes. silence filled the air as I made myself approachable. My stomach rumbled loudly again. My face turned a dark shade of red from embarrassment.

"Are you hungry?" he asked turning more towards me. I knew I should say no but my stomach said other wise.

"Yes" I said shamefully.

"Well let's go to the Dairy Queen, there's one on the east side" he cracked a grin.

"I know I used to go there as a kid. Let's go but I only feel like a fry" I turned and looked out the window.

"Oh come on get som meat on those bones" he laughed. This kid wasn't so bad to be honest.

*after dinner*

Josh ordered me a large fry and a milk shake, part of me only wanted to eat screw fries but the other part forced me to eat the whole thing and right now I felt grossly sick from all the food I ate, when in reality it was barely anything for everyone else. Normal people.

The rain died down a little, drizzles came down from the sky while we were walking across the parking lot.

"Hold up, you get in the car, I've got something for you" he opened the door for me to get in.

A few minutes later he came into the car with two beers in his hand.

"For a great night" he toasted and gave me my bottle. I held it back not having anything to open it with. He cracked it open with a certain key chain and cranked the music and started driving.

Here's my thing with drinking, it's taken lives away, destroyed families, ruined lives. So what's not to love about it. Maybe someday it'll take me away. Sodapop isn't too fond of me drinking it but I don't really care at all.

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