The Novak House

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Chuck Novak was a single father who tried his best.

But there's only so much control one man can have over seven young children.

Especially when one of those children is Satan, and the other is a Trickster. And yes, Chuck just called one of his kids Satan, because Chuck is a very honest parent who gets to the point and doesn't really give a shit.

Luckily for Chuck, though, all of his kids liked the same toys. The girls were obsessed with Barbies, and the boys liked G. I. Joes. The dolls were easy to come by and relatively cheap, so there were at least thirty of them in the Novak household. 

But seven kids didn't get along perfectly, of course, and as a result, they were always fighting over the various dolls.


"The Joes belong to the boys- you have Ken dolls for a reason!" Michael insisted, holding the solider doll away from his little sister.

"But Ken is a fish face and Hannah hogs him!" 

"Too bad!"

"DADDY!!!!" Chuck sighed, almost wishing his kids would grow up faster just so they'd mature a little bit. Currently, he had a pair of eight year old boys- Michael and Lucifer- a seven year old- Balthazar- six year old daughter, Anna, five year old Gabriel, four year old Castiel, and three year old Hannah. They were a handful, but Chuck didn't have a spouse to help him look after them. His sister came over to give him a hand as often as she could, which Chuck was grateful for. He was pretty sure he'd die if he was left alone with them all the time.

At this particular moment, however, Amara was not here, and Chuck was stuck. Castiel was clinging to his leg, Anna was crying, Michael was yelling at her, Hannah and Balthazar were who knows where, and Chuck was pretty sure Lucifer and Gabriel were about to blow something up in the blender in the kitchen.

"I don't get paid enough for this," Chuck muttered, picking Castiel up. "Michael, let your sister play with the doll."

"But it's MY G. I. Joe!" Michael retorted. 

"Mike, we have like twenty of them. Let her play with ONE." Michael scowled and threw the doll on the ground. Anna snatched it up with a screech of delight and ran away. 

A loud bang suddenly shook the house and Chuck sighed, turning to face the kitchen. There was a pink sludge coating the walls, cabinets, and Gabriel and Lucifer. The boys were staring wide eyes at the open blender, which had the remains of the pink goop in it. The blender top was clutched in Gabriel's hand as they blinked and slowly looked up at Chuck sheepishly.

"Sorry?" Lucifer guessed. 

"Clean it up." Chuck instructed. Shaking his head, he wandered around, looking for any sign of Balthazar and Hannah, hoping they were at least still in the house.

"One of these days, they're gonna blow up the house, Cassie, I swear," Chuck muttered.

"I know." Castiel agreed. 

"Do you know where Balthazar and Hannah are?"

"Balthie's locked in the basement again, I think, and Hannah's having a tea party with Anna." Chuck glanced down at his son.

"How is it you have better control over this house then I do?"

"Because I'm smart!" 

"Yes you are," Chuck grinned. "How about you go play, and I get Balthazar out of the basement." 

"Okay!" Castiel scrambled away, stealing a pile of crayons and Anna's princess coloring book.

"Ummmm, Dad?" Gabriel called from the kitchen. "The pink stuff's not coming off!" A crash sounded from the basement, and there was a scream from upstairs.

"MICHAEL STOLE MY DOLLY!!!" Anna screamed. Lucifer sniffed the air.

"Dad, I think Balthazar set Aunt Amara's Celine Dion CD's on fire again." He commented. Gabriel scrubbed at the wall with a sponge, but the pink goop on it only spread. 

Chuck slowly shut his eyes. It was gonna be a long day.

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