The Novak Mother

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Cas waited until Saturday to round up his siblings, because Saturday was the most likely day for everyone to be home. He waited until Chuck had yelled out something about running errands and meeting with his editor and had left. Then he sounded the sibling emergency alarm until they were all gathered in the living room.

"Alright Cassie, what's the emergency?" Lucifer asked. "Some of us have lives to get back to, you know."

"Trolling religious message boards is not a life, Luci," Michael said.

"It is if people pay you to do it."

"Wait, people are PAYING YOU to log onto Christian Mingle and say "Hail Satan" to everyone you match with?"

"You'd be surprised the things people pay good money for, Mikey."

"So what's the problem?" Gabriel asked. "Are you having relationship trouble with Dean or something?" Balthazar and Hannah gasped.

"SAY IT ISN'T SO, CASSIE!" Balthazar begged. Cas rolled his eyes.

"Me and Dean are fine," He insisted. Balthazar and Hannah collapsed onto the couch with relief. "It's just... Dean said something the other day and it got me thinking, and I don't want to risk bringing it up to Dad in case it's a touchy subject-"

"Get to the point," Anna urged.

"Why don't we have a mom?" Cas asked. The room paused.

"I..." Gabriel started, looking ready to kick himself. "I legit forgot some families had mothers."

"That's....actually a really good question," Anna agreed. "I know we had a mom, but..."

"You remember her?" Lucifer questioned. "I didn't think you would, you were so little." Anna shook her head.

"It's just a tiny, fuzzy memory. I vaguely remember her looking down at me with a weird face after I gave her a drawing or something, I don't know, I don't really remember." 

"Well I don't blame you for forgetting," Michael said. "You were only three when it all went down."

"When what went down?" Hannah asked.

"You guys know what happened?" Cas asked at the same time.

"Oh geez," Satan sighed. "Where do we even start-"

"We probably should've planned for this," Michael insisted. "I should've know you guys would have questions eventually. But then again, none of us ever asked Dad about her, so it's not like he ever gave us a guide on what to tell you."

"What's there even to say?" Hannah said. "We don't have a mom, for one reason or another. Knowing what happened doesn't change the fact that she's not here, and if the reason she's not here was important for us to know, then Dad would've mentioned her. But he didn't, so she must not be something he wants to talk about."

"But don't you want to know?" Cas asked. "Aren't you even the least bit curious?" Hannah shrugged.

"Honestly? No."

"Can't say I blame you for that opinion," Balthazar agreed. "If I was in your shoes, Hannah, I'd hate her guts."

"You know about her too?" Cas demanded. Balthazar shrugged.

"Not really. I have some vague memories like Anna does, only a lot more of them, but I was so little that I didn't understand what was going on. One day we had a mom, the next day we didn't. I just remember Dad being angry a lot, and then one day he stopped being mad and started being... Dad."

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