Naomi Milton

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Dean's car was stopped outside of a small brick house, and both boys stared at the home, not knowing what to do next.

"This is it," Dean commented.

"...Do you think she's even home?" Cas asked, worried.

"Only one way to find out." Cas glanced anxiously at him.

"What if she doesn't want to see me?"

"Cas, the only way you're going to know is if you knock on the door and find out. What's the worst thing that could happen?"

"She could slam the door in my face."

"And if she does, then I'll break it open and demand that she talk to you."

"Somehow I don't think that would make a good impression." 

"Well then let's hope I don't have to do that. Come on," They got out of the car, and Cas stared up at the house, it somehow looking even more imposing.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Dean asked. He wasn't sure what Cas wanted to get out of this, but if he wanted him there for moral support or anything else, Dean would be there for him.

"No," Cas said, slightly unsure. He thought about it for a moment and then nodded. "No, I think I need to do this myself."

"Okay," Dean offered. "I'll wait here."

And so Cas walked up to the door and rang the bell, positive that this was the most terrifying thing he'd ever done. The most ballsy move ever. Stupidest idea he'd ever had, and yet here he was, watching as the front door swung open.

It was her. Cas knew it instantly. She had barely changed from the photo he'd found.

She was a tall woman, with auburn hair and blue eyes. Blue eyes that greeted Cas everyday, because they were the same as his own, and Michael's, Balthazar's, and Hannah's. Auburn hair, the same shade as Anna's.

Cas nearly winced at the resemblance Anna had to the woman before him. He imagined it had to be difficult for Chuck to look at his daughter's face and only see this woman.

"Can I help you?" The woman questioned, and then it occurred to Cas that he had just been staring.

"Are you Naomi Milton?" He asked.


"The same Naomi Milton that was married to Chuck Novak?" Her eyes narrowed.

"How do you know that?" She demanded, her tone shifting. Well, there was that answer.

"I'm Castiel." He offered, and she went pale. "I'm your son."


Dean couldn't hear the conversation Cas had with the lady at the door from all the way out by the car, but he imagined it was going well. He watched as the woman stepped aside and let Cas inside, shutting the door behind him.

It occurred to Dean then that he'd just gotten a better look at Naomi Milton then most of her children had in fifteen years. He hated that. He hated this. Seven children. What kind of horrible woman left her seven children when they were all under the age of five? He could understand why Chuck never talked about her.


Castiel and Naomi sat down at a small table, and Cas could tell that his mother was very uncomfortable.

"Can I get you anything?" She asked. "I know it's a long drive up from Kansas."

"No, I'm fine." He offered. She fiddled with her hands, eyeing him.

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