『 Chapter One 』

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My father kissed my forehead, tears in eyes. "My baby grew up so fast... Don't forget to invite me to the wedding!" My dad hugged me, "Don't worry dad, you're going to be the first person I even think about inviting. If I even have a wedding, and you mean the world to me and I really will miss you." I cried and hugged him, "Stop that, I'm supposed to be crying, not you! Now you get out of here, live your young life!" he pushed me out the door.

I smiled at him, "I love you too, and I'll miss you." "I'll miss you too, now go! Y/n, go live your life! I know you're strong and you don't need me." "Thanks, dad... But really, thank you for everything, I love you... Bye!" I waved my arm, as Susie was waiting for me in her car, I sat in the passenger seat.

"You and your father really have a great relationship... I wish had a good relationship with my parents." she sighed, "My parents are honestly glad to have me out of the house." she laughed. I turned to her as she stared at the road, "Susie, I'm glad too."

"because now I'm going to live with the most amazing girlfriend in the world!" I smiled, she turned to me. "hey! Keep your eyes on the road!" I yelled, she turned her face to the road. "This is why I love you." she laughed, as she continued to drive.

Once we reached the university Susie parked the car, and we grabbed as much bags that we could and walked onto campus. We looked around looking for the dorm building, I found it and pointed it out. Susie nodded and we walked towards the building.

We got our number of the dorm and some keys, we walked into the elevator on to the second floor and went to our number, I saw a kris! he was putting a few boxes down, I let down all of my boxes and hugged Kris, as I haven't seen him in a few months.

"Kris! I missed you!" Susie had put her bags down and joined in on the hug, "I missed you too." he mouthed. "Did you see our new roommate yet?" I asked, "No... she should be here soon." "It's a she?" I asked, "Oh yeah, the person who gave me my key told me that." Kris mouthed.

I nod my head and walk around, "I call the biggest bedroom!" I yell, as I grab my bags and put them down on to the biggest room, that wasn't the kitchen nor the living room.

I unpacked all my stuff and put it in the corner, I walked out of my new room and over to Susie. "I'm going to go grab the rest of my stuff, kinda glad I don't have a lot of stuff now." I laughed, she nodded and I walked out the door and into the campus, then the parking lot.

Susie had given me her keys, I unlocked the car's trunk and took out the rest of my stuff, I closed the trunk with my elbow, as my hands were full. I walked back over to the dorm and put everything back down on to my new bedroom floor, I groan quietly to myself as it hurt my back.

Susie came over to my room, "You need help?" she asked. "Thanks but... you work on your own stuff." I smile, she nods. She walks out the door and I start unpacking my stuff...

I finished and smiled at my work, my room looked awesome. I walked out of my dorm and saw Kris and Susie talking to another female, I could see the back of her head, causing me to see her hair colour, which was blonde.

I walk over to them, "Are you our roommate?" I smile "Yeah I'm Chloe! I'm from France." She said awkwardly. "Really? cool! Why didn't you two tell me that she was here?" I asked Susie and Kris. "She just got here." Susie said, "I was about to tell you." She said once again. I nod my head and hold Susie's hand.

"Are you two together?" Chloe asked, looking at Susie and I. "Ah yeah, I'm taken by the most wonderful person in the world." Susie smiled at me, I blush slightly. "That's too bad... You're pretty cute." Chloe winked at Susie, Susie's eyes widen, and she glared at the female, signalling that she's not interested.

I smile at Susie, 'she's such a loyal girlfriend... I love her so fucking much.' I think to myself. "Oh yeah, I forgot to say, the names Y/n." I smile awkwardly, trying to break the tension. "Y/n? That's such a lovely name! The names fit a lovely face." She smiles sweetly.

I thank her, she only returns with a "No problem!" She seems like a nice person, she just witnessed Susie's beauty, nothing wrong with that... right?

We start unpacking everything for the living room together, making the living room look amazing!

We finished unpacking, we all had classes the next day, none today. It was around 3 pm. "Anyone wanna go to the Cafe? My treat!" I smile, they all agreed, and I smiled. I got up from our hanging chair, yes I bought one of those. I walked into my room to grab my purse, once finished I walked back into the living room.

"We all ready to go?" I asked, "yep!" Chloe smiled. "You know it, dork." Susie winked, "Mhm." Kris said(?) I nod my head, and opened the door, "Whoever is last, lock the door on your way out will you?" I asked they nod.

We arrive at the Cafe, which is right beside campus. We all get something small, it came around 11$, and just like I said, I paid. We all chatted for maybe two hours, and finally decided to head home. So we did, once home we decided to watch a few movies, as it was only 5 pm.

We watched a few movies, and it is now 9 pm, we all decided to go to bed now as we didn't want to be tired on our first day, "goodnight everyone!" I smile, they all say goodnight, I see Chloe wink at Susie once again before she goes into her room. I growl slightly to myself, the girl just can't take a hint, can she?

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