『 Chapters Seven 』

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As a few hours passed by, more and more people became drunk. A few has passed out, none have thrown up... yet.

Kris and I we're talking, "Hey Y/n?" He mouthed, "Yeah?" I replied. "I'm gonna go have a drink, you coming?" He asked. "Yeah sure." I smiled, he stood up and walked over to the table, I soon followed.

He handed me a drink and got himself one, I drank it feeling... Nothing. Kris seemed like he felt nothing either, he gave himself another one and asked if I wanted another one. I nodded my head, he gave me one more...

and another one...

and another one...

and finally, the last one.

I didn't feel much, but I was starting to worry that maybe it would kick in later, and I had a couple. I mumbled gibberish to myself and sat back at my spot, Thomas sat beside me. I looked at Kris and saw him talking either Chloe, okay... Guess it's fine that Thomas took his spot?

"Hey~ Enjoying the-"

My vision and ears started to blur him out, everything slowly became black, I could feel myself smiling as my consciousness slowly left...

Chloe's P.O.V

"Are you gonna have a drink~?" Kris mouthed, his face showed a weird expression, he might be drunk. "No, I'm not a big alcohol person." I shrug, "Y/n's never had alcohol before, can you believe it?" he mouthed again, laughing and pointing at Y/n.

Y/n seemed to be, in a deep conversation with Thomas. Earlier Thomas was saying how he thinks that Y/n's actually still mad at him, but since she has a kind heart... she's trying to forgive him. I kinda want to be her, she seems like a wonderful person...

Thomas had put his hand around Y/n's waste, Y/n didn't seem bothered by it... she even smiled at him. I think Y/n might be drunk, should I go remind her about Susie? No... Maybe if I take a picture... show it Susie... No, that's rude Chloe.

She's probably just drunk, by doing that you'll ruin their relationship. That's not fair towards them, as long as Y/n and Thomas don't kiss, it's alright... Or anything worst.

Kris continued talking, and making fun of Y/n. I ignored him and noticed someone walk in, Susie! "Susie! you made it!" I run over to her and hug her, she pushes me off. "Yeah, uh sorry... Not a big hug person." She said awkwardly. "It's fine!" I smile.

"By the way, Y/n's over th..."

I pointed towards Y/n, I stopped talking noticing that Thomas just kissed Y/n. Y/n didn't seem to pull back or struggle, but it was obvious she didn't kiss back.

I turned back to Susie, "Susie she's d-" "Whatever, doesn't matter. I'm going back to the dorm." Susie said irritated, and walked out...

I feel really bad, what should I even do? Should I tell Y/n what happened, or try to convince Susie... Maybe... Maybe I could do both?

Though I... I have a small crush on Susie, I don't think that it would be fair if I did this to Y/n, so I won't just make up lies about her, I won't just take Susie from her, I'll help the situation, you owe me Y/n.

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