『 Chapters Ten 』

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As the day went on I mostly just watched netflix, I felt like that's all I could do.

In the corner of my eye I saw Susie, I took in a deep breathe and watched her take off her shoes, and walk into her room. Chloe looked at me, oh yeah... She got home like an hour ago.

Chloe looked at me and smiled, "Go say sorry." She smirked, I nodded walking over to Susie's door, I knock and no reply.

I knock again, "Yes? What do you need?" "It's Y/n, I was wondering if I could talk to you." I sighed, "I wouldn't like to talk to you right now." Susie said on the other side.

"Alright... Sorry." I mumbled walked away, " Chloe what do I do??" "She didn't let you in huh?" Chloe said, "Nope." "You should give her a day or two, let her breathe. After that you should, she might need some time to process this." Chloe smiled. "Thanks Chloe!" I smiled back

I woke up the next day on the couch, "Ah fuck my back-" I muttered, I slept in a weird position. I stood up and saw Kris eating cereal, "Hey kris! Good morning."

"Morning." He said

"Wha.. Did.. Kris did you just talk?" My eyes widened, He nodded. "I decided my stupid middle school-self rule was dumb... I wanna try talking again." He smiled, " Why did you even stop talking?" ".. Personal reasons." "Oh, okay sorry."

I got up and made cereal, I sat down beside Kris and chatted with him as I continued eating. "Do you know about my situation with Susie right now?" I asked, "Yeah, Chloe told me."

"She did? Could you help me with her? You've known her the longest, you should know what I need to do." I sighed, "Susie's always been stubborn... But if you show her the proofs, if you can even manage to talk to her without walking away, if you show her and prove her you did nothing wrong, and promise you won't do anything ever again, that will probably do."

"But Susie should think about it to, you should talk to her tonight or tomorrow." Kris smiled, "Wow... You're really good at giving advice... Thanks kris."

~ "Auther~chan, where have you been?" Well my naive reader... I've been doing nothing. I haven't been doing anything progressive for anything important, didn't edit anything for instagram or even work on my favourite story. I've been a stupid couch potato! watching youtube all day... I'm sorry y'all, I have the plot.. Just I don't know how many chapters I can squeeze it into.~

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