『 Chapters Nine 』

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"Wha... I... No problem?" She smiled, hugging me back. "You're really sweet Y/n, I can tell why Susie picked you." Chloe smiled.

"Hey wanna listen to some tunes?" Chloe smiles, "Eh... Not now... Maybe later?" I shrug, "Oh... Okay!" She giggled

I groan, "What's up?" Chloe asked as she paused the netflix, we were watching huge lips. "I just... I feel so bad." I grab a pillow and stuff it in my face, Chloe looks to the side. "If she really loves you, you two will get threw this. Every relationship has down sides, but the positives always make the down sides seem like nothing."

"Wow, Chloe you're really... positive. Thank you..." I smile, "I- Uh-" She laughed, blushing slightly. "Thanks...?" She said, awkwardly.

She un-paused huge lips, her eyes glued to the Tv. Eggretsuko is a better show, I would have much rather watch it on Weblix... Huge lips is pretty boring.

But at least Chloe's enjoying it!

"I have a class to go too, I'll see you Y/n!" She smiled and walked out the door, I turned off Huge lips and decided to watch Your lie in may.

I remember watching this anime a while ago, it's a really good one. About a pianist who can't hear the notes anymore, it's such a sad anime... Oh the tears are coming back, Kousei took my fucking heart last year!

Oh, going off topic... from the fanfiction.

I go on the search option in Webflix, typing "Your lie in may" I pick the show and start from episode one, "I'm going to start from the beginning." I say to myself...

I find myself being stared at by Kris, he had just opened the door and saw me crying. "Kris! It's kousei-" His eyes widen, seeing the Tv he rushes over and sits beside me, mouthing... "I FUCKING LOVE THIS ANIME."

'Kris, you and me both' I think, and laugh internally. Kris is such a good friend, my dude kris piss made my cake for my 18th birthday, it was amazing! I would have token a picture but it was eaten after fifteen minutes... Whatever, I'm spacing out! back to the sad ass anime!

I am aware this chapter is just a filler, and has a lot of references... Let's see if y'all can guess them all.

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