『 Chapter Three 』

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Oh yeah! The note Thomas gave me...

I take out my small F/C purse and grab the note, I put my purse back on the ground and grab the small folded note, and unfold it, it reads.

"xxx-xxx-xxxx, text me! - Thomas"

That's the thing Thomas  wanted me to see? His number?... I guess I can later, when I'm bored.. I could even maybe prank call him... I take out my phone and go on to contacts, I add thomas's name and just start going threw my phone, watching videos on Youtubb and playing games... Until I got a call from an unknown number.

I question if I should answer, this might be a prank. But maybe it's someone important? Maybe grandma gave me a call... I keep forgetting to put her number in my phone...I will add her to my contacts later, anyways I'll answer.

"Is this Y/N L/N?" Said a lady on the other side, she didn't sound like grandma at all.

"Yes, who's this?" I asked with confusion, and concerns.

"Oh, this is the Rune Hospital and we have some terrible news for you madame." The lady on the other side said, 'RuneHospital? Terrible news??'

"What? What happened?!" I yell,

"Miss do not yell... And your father has passed away, he was driving and a drunk driver hit him, I understand if you need some time alone and would like for me to end the call."

I stayed silent,


what's happening?

no, this is a prank...

My dad can't be dead!

He didn't come to my wedding yet!

He didn't see my children!

He didn't see me graduate!

He didn't...

Didn't love me enough.

"Miss are you still there?"

"Fuck off!" I yell and ended the call, and started to ball my eyes out. "Why? Why now?! I hate you! I hate this! If you just stayed home and didn't go off to fucking college and left him this would have never happened! Fuck! I hate-
I hate everything! Why me?! Fucking!-"

"Y/n are you okay?!" The door had opened to see a concerned Susie, "No Susie! I'm perfectly fine! Just crying over fucking nothing! Of course I'm not okay! My father just fucking DIED!" I yelled at her threw tears, Susie came running towards me and hugged me and started to pat my back.

"Y/n, it's okay, I'm here for you." She smiled. I sniffed, "You don't understand! I loved him! and now he's gone! Forever!" I yell, crying. "I'm so sorry, Y/n I-" "Just leave me alone!" I yell running over to my room, and curled up into a

I cried for an hour on my bed until I finally stopped crying, "Y/n... can I come in now?" I headed from the outside of my door.

"Y-Yeah." I sniffed, "Y/n, I'm so so sorry about what happened. I know how much he meant to you, but things happen for a reason, and he wouldn't want you crying over him. He'd want you to become stronger after his death, not weaker." She smiled as she sat beside me.

"He meant everything to me... I promised for him to be to my wedding! Look what happened..." I sniffed, susie patted my back. "I've never experience death, but just know I love you, you can yell at me all you want but I know you're just trying to take out your anger on someone, and it's okay if that someone is me."

"Susie!" I yell at her.

"Thank you!" I yell as a few tears stroll down my face, as I hug her. "I love you so fucking much! Thank you so much!" "Don't worry Y/n, I'll always be here to support you even at your worst." She hugged back, as my tears kept falling.

"Why do you love me so fucking much?" I cried, "Even after I yell at you, after every fight..." I sniffed. "Because I know you don't mean it Y/n." she smiled. "Thanks but... No matter what you do my dad won't come back." I sniff once again, "Y/n, like I said. Your father would want you to become stronger, not weaker."

"..." I stayed silent, I didn't know what to say. All I wanted to do was scream, but that wasn't the correct choice. The only small whisper I could get out was...

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be Y/n, it's okay to be sad, it's okay to be mad. Someone important to you just passed away, be mad as you want. You shouldn't have to apologize for something normal." Susie smiles gently, "This..." I mumbled. "This is why I love you... you're so nice..." I sniff. "Why me? Why'd you pick me to be happy?" I sniff once again. "You're the angel who made me happy again, I need to return the favour." She smiles.

"Thank you, Susie."

"Don't mention it Y/n, what are girlfriends for?" She smiles, and gives me a small kiss. "What time is it?" I asked, "almost 1 pm, so I need to go... I'll see you later?" she asked. "My next class is at 2 pm, so yeah.. maybe see you later." I smile, she stands up and give me one last kiss, and walks out the door.

Susie, oh Susie, thank you.

I sigh to myself, thinking about my father. "Susie was right, he wouldn't want me crying over him." I mumbled to myself. "Though it hurts, I will be strong for you dad, just for you." I look at my ceiling, as I know he must be in heaven, smiling.

"Maybe I could..." I mumbled to myself, looking back at the ground.

"Join you there?" I said, looking back at the ceiling.

"No... So many people would be sad... Susie, Kris... Family... That would be completely unfair to everyone, so don't worry dad! I'll try not to get suicidal, I'll stay a happy little child just like you always wanted!"

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