『 Chapter Twelve 』

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It's the next day and I was looking out a window, the cafe window to be specific. I was waiting for Susie, I was going to tell her what was happening.

After Chloe left me on read she hasn't been seen, she didn't come home and I didn't see her this morning... I'm going to hope she stayed at a friends house.

It was an hour after I told Susie to come, so I decided to check my phone.

Hey Susie! Where are you? You're supposed to meet me at the cafe... Remember?

Susie 🥰:
Huh? Oh yeah! Sorry I can't make it..

That's too bad.. Why were you busy? Also when can we re-schedule

Susie 🥰:
Maybe next week...

Next week?! Why so long??

Susie 🥰:
Well to answer your previous question, me and Chloe decided to go on a date. And because we're planning to hang out all week! She's awesome!! 😋

.. What? They're going on a date? Are they dating? Also I've never seen Susie use an emoji before... Is that Susie? No, you're overthinking and foreshadowing. Just shut up Y/n..

Oh! Wow.. Uh.. Nice.. hah.


A date... No, Dates. Are they dating? Are they going to date?? What's happening?! It feels like someone just stabbed my heart... I wanna curl up into a ball and disappear into the void.

I take my key and stab it into the key hole, I usually stabbed it for fun but now I'm just mad.. And sad..

What keyhole? My drawer. I open it and take out my diary..

Slight vent coming up: If you're going back to read old stuff because you're feeling down skip this, you owe me one future Y/n.

Chloe's ruining me right now, I'm such a mess. But maybe.. Chloe deserves Susie. More than me of course, I mean just look at them. Susie, she's an angel. A perfect little angel who makes you smile, then look at Chloe. An angel in general. She's perfect at everything, well that's what I've seen so far..

Maybe they should be together? Maybe they're meant to be...

I looked down at Sho, why is there a wet spot? Am I crying?

I feel salty tears roll down my face, I stay silent. "I'm crying..." I muttered.

I looked down and sighed, I saw my necklace. My special necklace.. My favourite necklace...

The one Susie gave me, I felt more tears roll down my face. Is it okay to cry? Shouldn't I be happy for her? Why are you crying Y/n?

?¿?'s p.O.v

I smirked to myself, "My plan is working perfectly." I grinned. I look down in my hand, a potion. A love potion.. "Now just to give it to Susie.."

"I just need to give it to that stupid slave, if she doesn't get it done by next week... Oh she doesn't know what's coming at her.."

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