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Tyler nods. His facial expression slowly changes as he processes the information I just gave him.

It's quite the bombshell.

"I can see that you have mixed feelings. That's okay. I do too." I rub my hands on his arms. "I know it isn't coming at a great time in our lives with the trial and everything, but if you think about it, you and I have never been better in our relationship. So maybe this is a good thing."

"Do you want this?" He whispers.

"We can handle this, Tyler. Together. I know we can." I reply. I don't want him to hate this baby before he even gets the chance to meet it.

"Babe, listen to me. That's not what I asked. Do you want this baby?"

I sigh. "I think I do."

"Okay, then I do too." He smiles slowly after hearing what I had to say.

I smile. I am glad he is taking it so well. An hour ago, I didn't know what symbol I wanted to show up on the pregnancy test. Heck, even ten minutes ago I didn't know what I wanted.

But seeing Tyler and knowing he will be by my side do the rest of my life made me decide quickly. Having him here with me, it's impossible not to be excited about our future together with a family of our own.

"So when should we tell everyone else?" He asks, glancing down to my stomach as if I would be showing already.

"We definitely need to wait." I grab his cheeks. "I don't want them getting too excited just yet."

He nods. "I'm ready when you are. It's your body so you decide when you're ready." He puckers up his lips for me to kiss.

"One thing I am ready to do is get out of here." I tell him.

"Well then let's gather the troops and get going. The press is going to stand out there all day until we come out so we might as well get it done and over with."

Tyler and I walk over to the entrance where the rest of the family stands.


We all decide to walk out and face the press together. We can all agree that their questions will be overwhelming for any one of us on our own. But together, we are unstoppable.

If we stay united, there's nothing that can get us.

Cameras flash in our faces as soon as the big doors open to the outside world. Reporters and camera men from every news station across the nation are here. They yell and try to get any of us to respond.

"How do you feel?"

We ignore them. If we talk to one of them, we have to talk to all of them.

"Why did you walk out of there?"

I continue to walk through the crowd, keeping my mouth shut. I don't owe them anything.


I bite my lip to keep from yelling back in their faces. I know if I did it back to them, they wouldn't appreciate it either.

"Statement please."

Don't give in.

"Do you support your father?"

I shake my head slightly. Of course not. He killed my mother and four other innocent women. Why would I support him?

"Logan! Tyler!"

I squeeze Tyler's hand as the press changes focus and directs their attention to him. None of us are safe.

"What are you feeling right now?"


"Please say something to your fans!"

Fans? My father is on trial for murder. I don't have fans.

"Clearly day one didn't go well for you guys, are you hopeful for day two?"

Not at all. But I'm going to keep my head high anyways.

I'm not going to let these people tear me down any more than I already am. I have a life to continue living.

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