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I roll over in bed and stare at the ceiling. Sleep and I haven't been friends lately. I've done a lot of staring at the shadows dancing on the dark ceiling recently.

Tyler's alarm rings, echoing in the room. He groans and rolls over, placing his hand softly on my bare stomach. "You ready for day two?"

I sigh and sit up out of bed. "I guess I have to be. It's coming whether I like it or not."

Tyler and I both get out of bed and get dressed for the day.

I make my way downstairs and begin preparing breakfast for the four little ones eagerly waiting at the kitchen table for me

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I make my way downstairs and begin preparing breakfast for the four little ones eagerly waiting at the kitchen table for me.

I put four bowls of cereal as I scroll through the news. I grab the milk and click on an article about the overall trial after day one. Within the article, I find a few paragraphs mentioning my name.

'Avery Sweeney-Kash, 20, is the first born of the famous murderer currently on trial, William Kash. While in the women's restroom yesterday, a reporter overheard a conversation between Sweeney-Kash and longtime friend, Leigh Forrest.'

My heart sinks into my stomach. Please don't tell me they heard what I think they heard.

     'Our unnamed reporter comes back with information that the 20 year-old is expecting her first child. Sweeney-Kash reportedly has mixed feelings about the little one growing inside of her. Her uncomfortableness may be due to the surrounding rumors that she has been unfaithful to her fiancé, Tyler Lock.

     Will the baby turn out to be someone else's baby entirely? Will she deny claims that she is sexually active with a member of her own family despite the fact that we have proof? That's right folks. You heard it here first.

     We will keep you posted as the story progresses.'

I drop my phone into the bowl of dry cereal and sink to the floor.

"Avery?" Tyler asks, rushing over to help me as I land on the floor, feeling lightheaded and dizzy. "What just happened?" He asks.

No response.

"Avery?" He snaps his fingers in front of my eyes. "Answer me."

"What's wrong with her?" Kara walks over, her eyes as big with worry as they have ever been.

"I'm not sure sweetie. Here, why don't you do me a favor and pour this milk into that bowl and hand them out to your siblings while I take care of this, okay?" Kara nods and follows Tyler's instructions.

He leans me up against the cabinets and cups my face in his hands, gazing deep into my eyes.

"You're going to have to start speaking or I'm going to have to call an ambulance. Did you eat nuts? Are you seizing?" He asks.

I shake my head. "No."

"Then what? Are you allergic to something else I don't know about? Now would be a good time to let me know."


"You haven't been sleeping, have you?" He examines my eyes, searching for the evidence of lack of sleep.


"Please help me out here Avery. One word answers are going to help anyone. What happened?" Tyler begs. I've never seen him so worried about me since I've known him.

"I've never felt so violated in my whole life."

"Babe, you're scaring me." His shoulders sink.

I nod. "The whole world knows I'm pregnant now."

"You're pregnant?!" Kara shouts, eavesdropping on our conversation.

"It's our little secret Kara." Tyler turns towards the little girl, hoping she won't tell the others yet. "How?"

I shake my head. "Apparently a reporter was in the bathroom when I told Leigh. She heard it and decided to share it with the world."

"Okay, so then we just have to ignore everyone about that too. It's going to be okay."

I shake my head and cover my eyes with my hand. "No it's not."

Tyler peels my fingers away and kisses them. "It will be. I promise. In a few days, no one will even be talking about it anymore."

"It's not that I'm worried about. I mean, I'm mad that this bitch leaked it. But that's not going to ruin my life. The rest of the article might."

"What does the rest of it say?"

"Read it for yourself." I point to my phone on the counter. Tyler grabs the phone and reads the whole article. I wait patiently for his reaction. "Well damn."

I nod. "It's horrible. I'm afraid it's going to cause a rift between us. I don't want you to look at me differently because of these people."

"Did you cheat on me?" He asks simply.

"No Tyler. I would never."

Tyler nods. "Okay. Then who cares what they say? It's not them I believe. It's you."

"I just don't want anything to tear us apart. This supposed proof they have could do just that."

Tyler laughs incredulously. "Damn, you think you're going to get rid of me that easy? It's going to take a lot more than 'inside scoops' and 'proof' to make me leave you Avery." He helps me stand up. "I'm not going anywhere, no matter who publishes what or who says anything. I'm not leaving either of you." 

Author's note: aren't you glad now that Logan told Tyler about him and Avery before he found out from the press?

What kind of proof do you think this news station has? And where do you think they got it from?

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