Thirty Eight

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As Tyler and Logan continue beating the shit out of each other on the floor, I try my best to break them apart without getting myself too hurt in the process.

This is not at all what I intended to happen when I confessed to Tyler.

I call out for help, hoping someone will come help me break them up before someone gets seriously injured.

Logan, getting on top of Tyler lifts his hand to punch Tyler, elbows me in the face in the process. The collision between my mouth and his elbow do not seem to phase him even as I cry out in pain. They continue to fight, Tyler now getting on top.


Peter flies in the room out of nowhere with a black eye of his own. He grabs on to the back of Tyler's shirt and stands him up, off of Logan. Logan is then finally able to stand up with Peter's help.

My fingers gingerly touch the cut on my lip, feeling the sting when my skin touches the open wound.

I quickly pull my hand away as the pain becomes too much

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I quickly pull my hand away as the pain becomes too much.

"Thanks little bro." Logan smiles at Peter and brushes himself off. Tyler stands in a fighting position, ready to jump back in the fight at any moment. Logan wipes some blood from above his eye.

"Let me be perfectly clear on this Logan. This doesn't mean I'm on your side. In fact, the only reason I am not knocking you on your ass right now is because we are blood." Peter clarifies. "I heard the whole thing from the other room but I decided to let you guys resolve the problem yourself. It wasn't my place to step in. But then when I heard Avery get hurt, it pissed me off enough to stop hanging out with my boyfriend to come in here and stop this bloodbath." He explains his thought process. "If I didn't step in, how much worse would it have gotten?"

Peter looks around at both of them, hoping his story is enough to get them both to knock it off. He looks over at me, a look of pity in his eyes.

It is clear that Peter feels a sense of urgency to protect me for some reason. Maybe it's because I have helped him in the past. Or maybe it is because I got hurt. I don't know. But he is genuinely upset that I got messed up in this fight between the two boys.

"Do either one of you realize you punched Avery in the face?" He asks. Both of them look over at me, assessing the damage they have done to my face. Receiving no answer, Peter nods in disgust. "No? Well you fucking did."

I hide my lip, not wanting it to be the center of attention. Peter is only angry with them because I got hurt. But this isn't about me.

Peter turns around and grabs my hand. "Neither of you assholes deserve this kind human being right now." He pulls me out of the room, leading me to the bathroom. "Let's get that lip of yours cleaned up."

"It's fine Pete, really." I whisper as I sit myself on the sink. Brandon leans in the doorway.

"No it's not Avery. They hurt you." He fights back his emotions as he dabs my lip with a wet washcloth. "Logan hurt you."

"How'd you know it was Logan? I'm not even entirely sure how it happened-" Peter interrupts me by flashing me a look. An all knowing look.

"You need to report him." Peter tells me.

I shake my head. "It was an accident. He didn't mean to punch me."

"I got out of work early." Peter starts. I take a deep breath, knowing where he is going with this. "Logan says you wanted it. But you made it very clear you didn't. I- I tried to stop him but- he was pretty determined. How do you think I got this black eye?" Peter asks me to fill in the missing details.

I shake my head. "No. No I was drunk and I wasn't thinking clearly and- no." I shake the thought out of my head furiously. "He didn't. He wouldn't."

"But he did."

Author's note: what are your thoughts on what Peter revealed?

Only 12 more chapters. Are you excited for the end of the story?

Also, thank you guys soooo much for getting this story to 1K reads in such a short amount of time. You guys are all so loyal and amazing. I don't know what I would do without you guys.

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