Chapter 7

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When I awoke from my slumber I felt very nauseous. My head felt light as my stomach twists and turns uncomfortably. I look around and see Harry and Sarah were both still very much asleep. they were both laid across on the chairs beside my hospital bed. Not wanting to bother them I just ignore my nausea and lay back down.  

      I grunt in discomfort as it continues to get worse. I couldn't really do anything considering I am attached to many machines and have no clue where any form of medicine is. I start to move around trying to feel more comfortable because when it comes to sickness I'm the biggest baby about it, I'm not really great at handling pain. 

     All of a sudden a big wave of nausea hits me and I could feel my throat instinctively swallow continuously, hinting that I'm about to throw up. I frantically look beside my bed trying to find a trash can but there wasn't. before I could do anything else I lurch forward on Sarah's side and feel the bile rise to my throat. I hear a gasp come from Sarah and felt hands move my hair behind me so I don't throw up on my hair. Tears are forming in my eyes from the violent force of throwing up.  I felt a second pair of hands rubbing my back gently. 

After a few minutes of constant hacking up onto the bare floor, I've finally got everything out and I feel really embarrassed. Sarah runs to get water while Dr. Styles wipes my mouth with a tissue from my bedside table.     


I croak avoiding eye contact, I feel a finger lift my chin up. All I see is bright jade eyes staring at me with concern. 

"Don't apologize, you're okay" 

he said gently while rubbing my back softly. Sarah came back with a small cup of water. I took small sips. Dr. Styles put his hand across my forehead and I feel my head feel light from his touch. His hands were cool to the touch as he looks over at Sarah

"She's burning up"

Harry says as they give each other looks and I look between them.

"It's my CHF isn't it?" 

I ask as they both give me a nod.

"It's just one of the symptoms" 

Sarah explained and I find myself looking down blankly at the cup of water. My chest feels a thousand times heavier than it ever did. I sigh as I feel the familiar pain in my chest and the hot tears dripping down my face instantly feeling stupid because I was crying again and I felt very vulnerable.

"Laura look at me"

 Harry demanded softly but I shove him away. 

"No! I hate this!" 

I yell feeling all the stress and frustration built up from the past 2 weeks show itself. I didn't feel like myself since I came here and wished it would just go away. 

that wasn't going to happen though...

"I know you do but blowing up isn't going to solve anything" 

he says and I see Sarah coming towards me with the oxygen mask. 

I throw it off me and Sarah begins to panic herself as I hyperventilate. 

He says keeping his distance. Sarah was still in shock behind him as I continue to breathe in and out rapidly. My chest was on fire, my vision became very blurry. I feel my body collapsing and  The last thing I heard was Harry screaming and a loud beeping before everything went dark.

Harry's POV:

 Laura was crying hysterically and she wouldn't calm down, Sarah was trying to put the oxygen mask over her mouth because her breathing was very rapid but she kept pushing us away I kept screaming at Sarah to inject her with a sedative but she was so freaked out over Laura's outburst she couldn't focus.

 I rush over to the drawers where the supplies were and filled a syringe with Midazolam.

but before I could inject her, Her body falls back onto the bed and I notice her skin looked very pale. I look up at her monitor and see her blood pressure is dropping dangerously low. The monitor starts to beep loudly and I could feel the panic set in.


I yell and I rush to fill another syringe with midodrine. when I finished I quickly inject Laura with the midodrine and see her blood pressure slowly go back up as well as her heart rate. I sigh in relief as the beeping stops and she slowly starts to breathe normally again. 

 I feel a burning passion to scream at Sarah for freezing up. 

"Get out now!"

I demand and she looks at me, trembling. 

I could care less as I move back over to Laura, Injecting another sedative to keep her body calm for when she awakes. 

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