Chapter 37

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Third-person POV

"So I'm going to have dinner with you, At your mom's house?"

Laura questions and Harry looks up from his paperwork giving her a look.

"Yeah if you're not comfortable you don't need to go love"

Harry states rubbing her calf softly. Laura pauses for a moment before looking over at Sarah.

"It's not that it's just, I don't think wearing a def Leppard shirt and shorts is really appropriate."

She rambles and Harry knew instantly what she meant. She only had clothes from that night he picked her up at her apartment. Before he could reply Sarah intervenes,

"I could drive you and stop by my place, I have plenty of clothes"

She states and Both Harry and Laura look over at her.

"You sure? I don't want to be a bother."

Laura says but Sarah scoffs holding her hand up.

"I have to change too anyway, you're not a bother."

She mutters and Laura feels herself blush.

"I can't wait"

She says to herself but Harry hears her and smiles.

The day seemed to pass by at an agonizingly slow pace for everyone. Harry was nervous about his dinner moreover about something happening to Laura. Laura was nervous because she was going to Harry's birthday dinner with his parents and she was freaking out. Sarah was totally fine but she was a little anxious about something happening to Laura.

It was time for them to Leave and Harry was checking over Laura's stats making sure everything was perfectly fine.

Sarah was already ready waiting impatiently as Harry triple checked everything.

"Harry I think she's fine, You've been checking her for 15 minutes now"

Sarah groans and Laura smiles sweetly at Harry's worried expression. He sighs pulling all the wires off of her.

"Alright, alright"

He says turning off the monitor. Laura pulled her legs around the bed so they were dangling. Harry held his hand out to help her and she took it graciously. She stood up slowly feeling strange, due to the fact that she hasn't walked in forever.

She felt surprisingly strong though. They all walked out the door at a slower pace so Laura didn't feel pressured to walk quicker.

As they made their way out of the hospital Laura felt out of breath already. Sarah noticed and they stopped at the entrance of the building.

"Let me pull up my car so you don't have to walk that far"

She says as Harry looped his arm around her waist. Laura nods feeling tired. Harry looks down at her and she looks up.

"I'm sorry love, I know it's rough."

He says sympathetically. Laura smiles and leans into him.

"I'll be alright"

She hums seeing Sarah pull up in her black jeep wrangler. Harry guides her to the passenger side, picking her up so he could place her in the seat. Sarah pulls her seatbelt over clicking it into place and Laura sighs feeling relief in sitting down.

"So I'll just meet you there?"

Sarah asked and Harry nodded his head.

"I'll text you the address and the gate number."

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