Chapter 16

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    Laura's POV

The rest of the night ended up being more difficult than I expected. I tried countless times to close my eyes and fall asleep but ultimately failed.

Sarah and I spoke a little which helped a bunch but she ended up getting called for rounds. Harry was still asleep so I was left in silence.

If anything I was dying to get out of this room, I know I was being naive but I needed to get these thoughts out of my head.

Besides, I had nothing better to do, the night wasn't going by any faster if I continue to sit here and stare at the wall blankly.

I find myself reaching for the attached wires before removing them from my body. I was careful to shut off some of the machines so it wouldn't beep loudly, alerting the nurses.

I've come familiar with the amount of staff on the second floor and if anything this was my chance to get out for a little bit.

The only problem was my current I.V. drip attached to my arm, luckily enough the I.V. was on a portable stroller.

I wasn't bold enough to remove it anyway...

I take in a deep breath before lifting my legs off of the bed. My body felt heavy but I was still able to walk.

It was a big risk to go walking especially after what happened but I ignored the red flags.

When I peak out the door I was relieved as most of the floor was cleared already, if anything I was more worried about running into Sarah, or even worse... harry.

I open the door more so I could pass through as quiet as I possibly can but these I.V. strollers were loud...

Luck was on my side because even though I passed a few people nobody ever questioned me. I find myself roaming blindly into the many hallways.

My mind roaming from the countless thoughts etched in my brain. After everything that happened, I felt even more lost than before. I was on the cusp of leaving the hospital finally and now... I'm once again stuck in the endless loop of testing and treatment.

I wondered at this point if it was even worth it anymore... I haven't seen drastic changes in my health, If anything I felt worse.

It scared me... knowing that at any moment my life could be taken away from me. Even earlier, if Harry didn't get to me in time I doubt I would be walking at this very moment.

I let out a deep breath, looking around seeing the blank white hallways. The walls were bare besides the occasional poster with either good health tips or random directions for people who are lost.

To be honest, I had no idea where I was going, I look back regretting not remembering the way back.

Just when I was about to turn back around the sound of a door opening filled my ears and the harsh wood hit against the front of my body. I groan in pain

"I am so sorry I wasn't paying attent-"

When I look to see who I ran into I let out a small gasp as I meet eyes with emerald.

I am so dead...


Harry mumbles, almost as if he didn't believe it was me. His hair was going in different directions, most likely because he just woke up. His eyes were also hooded.

a sudden realization dawned on him and his eyes widened.

"Why are you out of bed?!"

He yelled, frantically grabbing onto me like i was falling or something. I squeak in surprise at our unexpected closeness, my heart beginning to race.

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