Chapter 61

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Laura's POV 

I went to my appointment while Harry finished up his work. Anne had said she'll meet us at the house and Harry and I would drive over together after stopping by my house for some clothes and necessities. As I wait for Amanda's session to be over I text Niall to let him know I won't need a ride.

I was equally excited and nervous, I didn't know what to expect. Anne's home was always a pleasure to visit but last time I remember the awful pain I had to endure. Then again that was when Harry and Taylor were still together.

My thoughts were interrupted by a door opening. A random girl with blonde hair walked out and Amanda smiles at me.

"Laura! Come in"

She says kindly and I smile before padding my way over. As I enter her office she closes the door. I sit on the couch I normally sit at and she sits at her desk.

"How have you been?"

She says and I let out a breath.

"I've been better, many things have improved let's just say"

I laugh awkwardly and she raises her brow.

"Oh? Have you been taking the medicine I gave you?"

She asked and I look to my lap, clutching my legs.

"No, I haven't"

I mumble

"Well, you seem like your doing much better. Has anything happened?"

She asked curiously and I start to pick at nails.

"Yeah actually"

So I tell her everything that happened, from when Nathan came over to my house to seeing Harry today. I explained it all...

She was very supportive of my desolations and explained this was a good thing for me. I told her I was visiting Harry today and she said having company was a good way to get back in the hang of things.

We discussed a game plan for whenever I think of Eleanor and she said our next appointment would be next Monday. I felt even better after speaking with Amanda.

"So I'll see you next Monday?"

She says as I get up. I nod my head smiling brightly at her.

"I'll see you then, thank you so much."

I waved and exited her office. I let out a sigh of relief as I made my way down the hallway to Harry's office. My heart was racing as I enter his room. He sat comfortably at his desk and was fumbling with a bunch of papers on his desk. When I enter the room he looks up before smiling.

"Hey I'm almost done, I'm just packing some paperwork for later"

He says and I sit in the chair across from him.

"No worries, take your time"

I reply, pulling out my phone. It was now 1:30 and it had been almost an hour and a half. I go through my texts from the past couple of days and see plenty from Sarah.

"How was your appointment with Amanda?"

Harry asked while he organized booklets into his folder.

"It was good, I feel much better after talking with her, I go back next week"

I say clicking on the texts seeing many paragraphs of apologies from her. I sigh before closing my phone and looking up at Harry.

"Well that's good, she is a great psychiatrist"

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