Chapter 21

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Harry's POV

I was currently in a meeting with UNOS, we were discussing Laura's CHF and how she needed a new heart as soon as possible. They were saying she could be closer to the top of the list because of the state of her CHF. 

Transplant lists were always a stressful and complicated factors with patients they could take forever and depending on your organ size and blood type you may not even get the transplant available.

But i am going to fight my way to the top getting Laura a new heart. 

Time is everything at this point she is entering the final stages of CHF which could be very critical for her heart. 

She has been very moody the past couple of days because she complained she cant sleep properly along with feeling very out of breath. Which are 2 very common symptoms with CHF 

None of our treatments seem to be working anymore which is good in the fact that she is now moved up even higher in the transplant list but bad because she could literally crash at any moment.

After the meeting i made my way back to my office grabbing a coffee on the way from the break room. 

Lately I've been coming to the hospital a lot more and it was because of Laura as much as i didn't want to admit it.

My feelings were becoming harder and harder to push away. there is just something about her that makes me feel happier then ive ever felt.

I burst through my office door feeling my mind become overcome with many thoughts. i collapse in my chair placing Laura's chart and my coffee down on the desk. I pull out some paperwork and begin working. 

An hour goes by and i haven't even managed to finish a quarter of my paperwork. I was to distracted thinking about Laura. I never tend to lose focus at work but this seemed to distract me more than ever.

I sigh and throw my pen across the desk giving up on useless work. Might as well go check up on Laura if i wasn't gonna get anything done. It was a little late but i had a feeling she was up. 

As i made my way through the hallway i see the familiar room 204 in the distance. 

I pause at the door before walking in slowly just in case Laura was asleep.

I peak through seeing the lights were off but immediately panicked when i heard heavy breathing and crying.  

I rush inside turning the lights on frantically. I see Laura Clutching her Hand to her chest taking heavy breaths.

I run over in a hurry grabbing her shoulders in worry 

"Whats wrong?!"

i say while pulling her face up to look at me. Her eyes were filled with tears and she looked like a mess. 

"i-i c-cant Br-reathe"

she says breathlessly taking big gasps of air. 

She was having a panic attack. I immediately grab an oxygen mask placing it over her mouth i wrap my other hand around her waist holding her gently. 

"Shh its okay take a deep breath with me"

I say as i take a deep breath in holding it for a couple seconds then releasing. We did that over and over until her heartbeat went down and she could breathe. I remove the mask when she was able to calm down. I wiped her tears and moved her hair out of her face. 

She looks disheveled with her hair everywhere and dark circles under her eyes. My heart clenches as i knew she was getting worse day by day.

She coughed hoarsely for a couple of minutes and i grabbed a cup of water for her. 

She sips quietly trying to recover from her panic attack. She looks tired and worn out. 

I rub her back gently trying to soothe her. She tugs my arm down so i am at her level and she wraps both arms around my neck leaning into me. I hold her for awhile while she breathes into my neck. 

Its been a couple of days since her fever but she seemed to be doing better but apparently i was wrong. 

She suddenly pulls away lingering her hands around my biceps. i'm leaning close to her face and she looks me in the eyes. I feel my body move forward and our lips touch slightly, she grips my shirt pushing forward closing the distance. 

Her lips were soft as i kiss her. She feels warm against me and i sit on the bed pulling at her waist. She begins to tug at the buttons on my blue button down exposing my chest slightly.

I groan into the kiss feeling my head go light. 

I was to caught up in kissing Laura i didn't realize someone had walk in. A deep voice cleared their voice and i freeze. 

I look over and see the chief of surgery... also known as my Father. 

He was not happy at all. 

"Come to my office now"

he said in a deep demanding tone. I sigh knowing i'm gonna get in a lot of shit for this. He starts to walk out of the room and i look at Laura who's face was shocked i go to get up and she grabs my hand.

"Harry im-"

I hold my hand out shutting her up 

"ill be back this wasn't your fault"

i reply making my way out of the room.  When i go out i see my father waiting for me at the end of the hallway already which was my office and i make my way over to him. 

We enter my office and my dad locks the door. 

"what the hell was that"

He said sternly giving me an angry disproving look 

"i can explain"

i reply looking at him tiredly.

I explain the whole story from the beginning from how she first came to the hospital to when we all became close and up until this point. He listened intently face softening at certain parts. I explained how i felt about her and how she makes me feel. 

He looked deep in thought after i was done 

"I think you should be off this case"

He says without emotion. My heart sinks and i feel myself panic 


i reply without thinking and he gives me a sharp glare 

"no? i don't think you realize the severity of this, you cant do that with a patient Harry"

my father yells

"you don't understand i need to be on this. She's on her final stage of CHF and i am working so hard to get her a new heart. you know im the only one fit for this I'm the best surgeon for this case i will not let her die  because you wanted to teach me a lesson!"

i scream throwing my hands out in frustration

"just let me do this and ill leave her alone i promise"

i say meaning every word i was never doing this because i liked her i always wanted to help her get a new heart. 

My Father pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs 

"I'm letting you off with a warning and so help me god if i catch you doing this again i will not hesitate to fire you and you'll never see her again. You will only go to check her stats or run tests not extra time. fix her and then you can do whatever when she's NOT a patient"

he demands and i nod my head feeling a wave of guilt pass over me 

"Don't worry i'm done" 

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