Chapter 63

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Laura's POV

I stir awake as I felt movement. When I open my eyes I was met with Harry's face staring down at me. He pulls his lips into a big smile as I rub my eyes.

"Well good morning"

He says gently as I cuddle into his chest. I hum, pecking him a bit before his arms were wrapping around me. I giggle as he suddenly rolls our body's so I was now laying on his chest as he was on his back. I lift my body up sitting in his lap as he looks up at me fondly. I move my messy hair out of my face and let out a yawn.

"Sleep, good baby?"

He asked and I felt butterflies in my stomach at the pet name.


I mumble leaning down for a kiss, I wasn't much of a talker in the morning. My hands were on his bare chest and he felt nice and warm.

There was a knock at the door and we both look over remembering that the door was locked from last night. I move off Harry and he gets up walking over. I watch as Anne's head pops in and she smiles brightly at us both.

"Am I interrupting something?"

She teases, my face heats up as I shake my head.

"No mum"

Harry laughed winking at me.

"Well good because I made breakfast"

She says pinching Harry's cheeks.

"Okay we'll be right down"

He says and I pull the duvet off my body. Anne was leaving and I go to get up. I needed some pants so I could not feel embarrassed about walking in Harry's mother's house nearly naked. I walk into the bathroom and look through my bag, spotting my regular pair of spandex that I wear to bed.

Harry followed in behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, leaning his head on my shoulder. I couldn't help but grin and sway with his movements.

"I could get used to this"

He says and my heart melts. I could too, waking up seeing his face every morning sounded perfect.

"Me too"

I reply.

Harry leans into my neck kissing the skin between my shoulder. He then pulled away and walks into his closet. I pull my spandex on and try and manage to fix my mess of curls.

I tend to move around a lot in my sleep so this was my consequence.

"You ready?"

I hear Harry yell and I nod my head before realizing he wasn't in the room. I pad over to the bedroom, noticing he had pulled some black sweatpants on.

Harry opens the door for me and I walk out into the hallway. Harry wrapped our hands together as we walk down the stairs to the dining room. I notice Gemma was here and smiled brightly at her. She didn't return it though, in fact, she looked absolutely in shock. Her eyes narrowed and her lips were turning into a frown.

My heart sinks as she glares at our intertwined hands. Harry seemed to not notice as he waves.

"Gemma! I didn't know you were here"

He says sitting next to her, I plant myself in the seat next to his feeling a little out of place. Anne walked into the room as plates were being placed in front of us.

"Yeah I was in the neighborhood so I thought I would stop by"

She replies and I thank Anne as she hands me a cup of tea.

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