Chapter 84

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Harry's POV

"I need a drink"

Laura says before I could stop to check if she's alright she wanders off instantly leaving me no time to react. I know Sarah meant no harm in her comment but this subject was tricky with us sometimes.

"I'm going to check on her"

I say before looking at Sarah who looked lost.

"I didn't upset her did I?"

She asked and I shrugged.

"In all honestly I don't know, I think she's just overwhelmed with the people and new atmosphere"

I say before patting her shoulders in comfort.

"Trust me she's not upset at you."

Before I could let Sarah reply I follow after Laura, really admiring the way her curves fit into her tight fit dress. She was absolutely stunning tonight and I felt so overwhelmed with emotions.

She was everything to me now at this point, I didn't want to hurt Her in any way.

I don't really know what's upsetting her right now but what I do know is I need to be there for her.

I see her walk over to the bar and order something, probably a glass of champagne or if she's really upset a shot of whiskey.

"May I buy you a drink beautiful?"

I tease walking up behind her as she leans against the bar with a sigh. Her face was a little surprised to see me but nonetheless she hides her frown with a smile as I move as close as I can.

"What's wrong my love?"

I ask sliding my hand down her bare arm. Her skin was sparkling under the lights and she smelled as her Usual vanilla but with extra lavender.

She furrowed her brows in thought and I patiently wait for her response. When she does this it usually means she is thinking of a way to make it sound alright even though she's feeling differently.

"I'm fine really it's just a weird atmosphere that I need to get used to."

She laughs

"Besides you being here is making me feel better"

She admits and I couldn't help but feel my chest filled with warmth and I let out the biggest smile"

"Baby you know if you get uncomfortable tonight I can have Tony take you home"

I reply as her champagne was being placed in front of her.

She shakes her head before leaning in towards me and pecking my cheek.

"I'm alright...I'll survive I've been through way worse"

She chuckles and takes a sip of champagne.

"This is your night and I will be by your side like you've done for me"

She adds my heart races as she becomes so sincere and serious. I look in her eyes and she remains calm and collected.

"Thank you, love, you don't know how much that means to me."

I reply moving her body towards mine as I settle my hands on her waist. She stares back at me fondly and I try my best not to devour her lips in mine but the moment was too sweet for me to handle.

"I love you"

She whispers, my face freezing as she rarely says it first. My lips turn upwards into an even bigger smile as I kiss her with so much passion.

"Je t'aime mon amour"

I say deeply looking down at her face to see she was bright red.

"Y-you, s-speak French?"

She stutters cutely and I move a strand of hair out of her face.

"A little bit"

I smirk, pinching the skin at her waist a bit before whispering in her ear.

"I'll speak some more later"

I was feeling very aroused right now and the thought of having her under me while I speak French in her ear is making the blood rush to my lower half.

She lets out a ragged breath and looks around to see if anyone has noticed our little moment and then she was avoiding my eyes.

"Embarrassed baby?"

I tease, stepping away as I take a sip of Champagne from her glass. She fakes a cough before finishing off the alcohol.


She knew I saw through her lie and fiddled with her thumbs as I see Sarah and Liam walking over.

I knew they wouldn't stay away for long. As Sarah walks up I see her shoving Laura's shoulder playfully as Liam walks to my side giving me a friendly grin.

"If you're gonna get drunk you should've invited me"

Sarah exclaims while Laura giggles at her. Their friendship is the best and I'm so glad they get along. Sarah has always been an important person in my life and I would think most girls would get jealous over our friendship but Laura has no problem... as she should because there's nothing going on between us.

"My bad, you'll have to catch up"

She teases back as we all order a round of shots.

Laura's POV

A few drinks in and I'm already feeling a little tipsy. Sarah has kept me entertained as Harry and Liam socialize, the night was far from over but I was feeling more and more comfortable. 

"I need to use that ladies room, I'll be back"

I state to Sarah who nods and I walk across the room avoiding any prolonged confrontations.

That is until I bumped into someone when I wasn't looking and I immediately reach my hands out blindly.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't look-"

I completely freeze as I am met with familiar blonde locks.

"Well what a surprise"

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