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The first time I came to Shelly's defense was at the beach house when these guys were sitting there picking on her.  Well, they were trying to drag Shelly away before Lee returned.  She kept begging them to leave her alone.  

Guy 1:  Come on cutey you don't need the dork.

Shelly:  No, leave me alone LeeLee is not a dork.

Guy 2:  Yes he is a dork and your to pretty to be hanging out with him.

Guy 1:  Hey, she is mine now back off Tony or I will beat you up, and we won't talk to you again.

Tony:  Why do you always get the cute girls Paul.

Paul:  Because I am the leader of the gang.

Shelly:  I don't care LeeLee is my twin.

I watched her stick her tongue out and turn to walk away when he grabed her and shoved her down.  When I saw that I lost all control of my anger and all I could think about was beating up this guy.  I walked up to that Paul guy and decked him hard then looked at the other guys, and they scattered.  I reached down and helped my Shelly up and asked: "are you ok Shelly."  She looked up at me and smiled "Yes NoNo, and I thought I said I am too big to be called Shelly anymore I want to be called Elle."  "Well, I like Shelly and I told you to call me Flynn."  She stuck her tongue out at me and started dancing around me singing "NONO...NONO...NOOOOOAAAAAH"  I just glared at her as she giggled and stormed off.  Lee saw how mad I was an ran up to Shelly "did Noah hurt you Shells?"  "No, that guy who keeps following us grabbed me and pushed me down.  Nono punched him."  "Oh, wow that guy is older than Noah."  "Yeah, I know he told me earlier that I should be happy an older boy wanted to be my boyfriend."  "Well, he can't have you, your mine."  I watched him throw his arm around her shoulder and lead her away.

Lee would try to defend her, but he was not a physical person so more often than not he would end up getting his butt kicked.   The best times with my two dorks were when we watched movies together.  Since Lee would always insist on watching a scary movie, Shelly would insist on laying between us because she would get scared.   She would argue that by laying down in the middle, we could protect her better.  I didn't care I was able to be next to Shelly, and that was all that mattered to me.  It was during these times that we all would fall asleep and I would wake up with shelly in my arms.  None of us ever found out how it would happen well I guess I should not say ever...but that is a story for another time.

I always loved waking up with Shelly in my arms.  During those days it seemed as if I slept better and woke up happier and more at peace.  I didn't understand why but that is how I felt.  Lee, on the other hand, would have a cow if he woke up before me or Shelly did, and he would catch her in my arms.  Just as he hated Shelly waking up in my arms, I hated knowing when she spent the night she would sleep on his bed cuddled in his arms.  I found this out one time when I went in to wake them up and there she was with her head and one hand on his chest with his arms wrapped around her while she had one leg thrown over his.  I didn't understand it at the time but seeing her like that with Lee made me very mad.  It was one of the few times I wanted to beat up my brother.  The funny thing was every time I wanted to beat him to a bloody pulp was because of Shelly.  

As Shelly got older, I noticed how beautiful she was becoming and how more possessive Lee was getting and how I hated how he kept her from me.  Then I found out something that made me mad.  I don't know why I never realized it at the lake house, but Shelly would change in front of Lee.  I thought they had stopped changing in front of each other about the time they stopped taking baths together.  I will never forget how red Lee turned when Shelly asked in front of our parents "Lee why do you have that stick.  I don't"  Mary looked at my mom "well I guess that ends bathing them together?"  "Yep, time to talk to them about the differences between boys and girls."  That was loads of fun since our mothers decided to include me in on the conversation.  I felt my cheeks heat up when Shelly looked at me and asked clear as a bell "so you have a big stick to Nono?"  I gulped looked at our mothers "well uhm yes."  She tilted her head sideways "does it get bigger too when you touch it?"  Mary and my mom almost fell off their chairs "what do you mean when you touch it?  Have you touched Lee's stick?"  "No, Lee was showing me how when he rubs it..."  Lee yells "twin rule #2"  she gulps and closes her mouth "sorry LeeLee it is just that they are acting like it is a bad thing and we agreed on no secrets if we can get in trouble, you know I don't like getting in trouble."  

Mary let out her breath "OK then, look Shelly it is not bad that Lee touches his uhm stick but honey I should let you know it is called a penus."  "Ok so it is ok to play with a penus."  "No, that is not what I am saying.  It is ok for Lee to play with his penus but you shouldn't play with it."  "OK so are you mad that Lee showed me how it grows and I asked Nono if his grows."  "No baby."  "So, does Nono's grow?"




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