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It wasn't easy after Lee busted us.  First, he took forever to forgive Shelly for keeping us a secret.  Second, after they made up, he refused to allow us to continue dating.  It was then I realized that rule number 9 was about me.  I could not believe they had a rule about Shelly dating me.  It wasn't until much later that I found out it was relatives of best friend is off limits.  The thing is that the rule was made by Lee.  I know the main reason he made it was to keep Shelly away from me.  I didn't care I was going crazy I needed my girl back in my arms.  I would see her at school and even though she was laughing and smiling with Lee the light in her eyes was gone.  Everyone in school noticed.  Tuppen asked me one day "hey what is wrong with Evans?"  I looked at him "what do you mean?"  "Dude, she doesn't look really happy anymore.   This has been going on for a couple of weeks.  First, she and little Flynn didn't talk, and he would walk away from her.  Even when she bought him a chocolate ice cream cone, he ignored her and though it away right in front of her.  Then all of a sudden they are talking and even though she started smiling and laughing her eyes have lost the sparkle that makes her so damn cute."

I shook my head "I don't know what you're talking about."  He looked at me "I think you do know what I am talking about you know her better than anyone except for little Flynn.  Plus since she started looking depressed so have you, dude.  There was a couple of months you both were so happy it was almost as if you were together.  I never saw Evans glow the way was before her and Lee's fight.  Actually, now that I think about it you both seemed happier since the kissing booth.  Shit dude don't tell me you two were dating in secret, and little Flynn busted you two and was pissed."  I looked at Tuppen, and he shook his head "damn we all knew you were seeing someone because of all the hickeys you suddenly always had, but I would never have guessed Evans."  "Yeah, man I love her.  I have for a long time now, and I finally had her in my arms only to have Lee fuck it up."  "Shit, that is why you kicked my ass for touching her and didn't want any of us guys dating her."

"Yeah, I didn't like the idea of anyone touching her."  "Man little Flynn is fucked up.  She was the first girl you have ever been serious about, and little Flynn should have known that she meant something to you I mean come on you have never had a girlfriend.   Seriously since you have been with Evans, you stopped going to parties, and if you were there, you never made out with a single girl.  I hope it works out for you."  "I hope so too I have a plan and I pray that it will work."  Tuppen patted my back "hey don't worry I have your back."  Little did we know that Duncan heard everything and let's just say by the end of the day Lee was treated like shit.  When I asked around I was told that everyone was mad at Lee because Shelly was not truly happy and he was so involved with his girlfriend Rachel he didn't see how miserable Shelly was.  I was also told that Lee should have been happy that we had both found someone that made us happy not act like a jealous two-year-old that didn't want to share his toys.

As prom came close, I overheard Shelly say her dress was going to be green and that she had even found a matching tie.  When asked who she was going with she said Lee and Rachel.  That just made people even more mad at Lee.  There he was with a date for prom, and he wouldn't let us be together.  After hearing about Shelly's dress, I went to the mall and bought a matching tie and a mask that would match as well.  I went down and ordered her a corsage with calla lilies that had green ribbons and white baby's breath.  I planned on showing up at her door on prom night to ask her to prom.  I don't know how Max was going to take it after everything blew up, but I knew she was the only girl I wanted in my life.  I had a long talk with the rents and explained that I stayed away to give Lee and Shelly time to heal their friendship.  I even explained that it was Shelly's idea to keep our relationship a secret, not mine.  My mom understood since she had found their rules list years ago and knew about rule number nine.  She just wished I had convinced Shelly to come clean sooner.

The night of prom finally arrived and I dressed borrowed mom and dad's BMW and drove to Shelly's.  Grabbing the corsage, I stepped out of the car walking up to her door with my stomach in knots.  Taking a deep breath, I rang the doorbell and Max opened the door and scrolled at me "what do you want Noah?"  "I need to speak with Shelly please."  "She doesn't want to see you, and frankly I don't want you around anymore."  Before I could say anything more, I saw Shelly come into the room asking "Is that Lee?"  Damn, she looked gorgeous as always.  Taking one look at me, she turned to leave "Please Shelly just give me a chance.  I should have insisted we tell Lee."  She turned and looked at me and nodded.  Her dad glared at her "Elle I don't like this."  "Dad please it wasn't just his fault."  "Fine but I will be right here if you need me."  He turned and walked out, and I grinned and closed the door.  I took a couple of deep breaths and rang the doorbell again as I got down on one knee presenting Shelly with the corsage.  I looked up as she opened the door "please Shelly will you go to prom with me?"

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