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"Yes, Noah I love you."  I passed the mic back to the stage and pulled her into my arms kissing her holding her close.  I smiled down at her as we pulled away to the sound of our classmates cheering.  I looked at Lee as I hugged my girl and he was smiling giving me a thumbs up, and I knew I proved to my little bro that Shelly was my whole world.  After the song was over the girls pulled her away, and I could hear them questioning Shelly, and they were squealing.  Luckily for Shelly, the last song came on, and I pulled her away from the girls.  "I didn't get the first dance and I sure as hell am getting the last dance."  I pulled her to me as we danced the last dance of the night.  I couldn't believe I was holding my love in front of everyone letting them know she is all mine.  After prom, I let her know I got us a room and led her up to the room.  

Once inside I told he I didn't expect anything tonight all I wanted was to be alone with her.  She called her dad quick and let him know she wasn't going home tonight hung up the phone turned it off walking up to me wrapping her arms around me before she pressed her lips to mine.  Lifting her I carried her to the bed laying her down I smiled I couldn't help it she was in my arms again, and this time there were no secrets.  We spent the night talking kissing and just holding each other.  I couldn't believe how much I missed just spending time with my girl every moment was special to me.

The next day I dropped her off at home thinking about how great it was waking up with her in my arms.  Knowing all we did was cuddle, make-out, and talk.  I love the fact all we need is to be with each other to be happy.  Eventually later that day I tried calling her to see if she wanted to go out but unfortunately, her phone was still off since I knew Lee was with her I called him asking to speak to my girl.  I could tell he was annoyed when I heard "you still have your phone off he wants to speak to you."  I could hear her giggle "oops, hey Noah baby what's up?"  I asked her out of course she agreed since I heard Lee tell her "go, I have a date with Rachel later.  Tomorrow bestie day."  I knew I would have to share my girl with Lee, but I didn't mind especially since technically she was his first.  

The rest of the school year went by great at graduation Shelly yelled for me along with the rest of the family.  Took Max awhile but after we explained everything to him, he accepted Shelly and myself being together especially since my parents told him that since Shelly and I got together the first time I had no fights, tardies and I didn't skip any classes.  Also, that I never missed curfew and I was always helping out at home.  I guess I proved to Max that I would do anything for my girl.  The worst part of our relationship was when I took off to Boston to attend Harvard.  I hoped and prayed that the following year she would join me since she wanted to get a law degree following in her Mary's footsteps and I had heard her at several family dinners talking about attending Harvard Law before I mentioned I wanted to go to school there.  My prayers were answered when she met up with me at school.

Now I am not saying everything was sunshine and roses.  We ended breaking up when one of my buddies (Tony Walker) girlfriends (Sabrina Jones) friends answered my phone.  She made Shelly think I was dating her since she had a crush on me.  It took me a week with the help of Tony and Sabrina swearing that I had told that girl there was only one girl for me and that was my Shelly. All that happened the first semester I was away.  The first thing I did before going home for Christmas break was run and buy an engagement ring set.  Turns out that now you can buy engagement rings for the man and woman.  Shelly's was a nice teardrop solitaire ring embedded in the band with Noah's girl engraved on the band.  Mine had a single diamond with Rochelle's man engraved.  I decided to use our real names so no one could be confused as to what and whom I meant. Before I left Boston, I asked Lee to get a party together and make sure that it was a nice one and the reason why.  I had already asked Max via skype and he permitted me.  So, Lee asked my mom for help, and well in front of all our friends and family I asked my sweet Shelly to marry me, and she said yes.

I look around the room I am currently sitting in and smile.  My oldest daughter Mary June looked up at me "so, that is how you mom got together dad?"  "Yep, baby girl."  My oldest son Tim looked at me "weren't you mad at uncle Lee?"  "Yes in the beginning but I remembered all he wanted to do was protect his best friend/twin."  "Uncle Noah?"  "Yes, Mathew?"  "Why where there times you were really quiet during the story?"  I smirked, "let's say I remembered some private times between myself and your Aunt Elle."  I heard Shelly yell from the kitchen "come on everyone time to go to dinner with grandma June, grandpa Mathew and grandpa Max and don't forget your flowers were going to visit grandma Mary after we finish dinner.

Smiling at my girl, I watched our four children run to pick up the flowers for Mary and out the door.  In case your wondering yes Lee and my Shelly had our firstborn on the same day at the same time.  Lee didn't end up with Rachel. Unfortunately, she caught Shelly and Lee sleeping in the same bed when she showed up in Boston to surprise Lee since she was at Stanford.  Even though it was in the front room and we had all fallen asleep together because Shelly had met someone that knew Mary and she became depressed because that person hadn't heard that we had lost Mary.  Well, our first born as you know is named Mary June, and Lee's is Donny.  Our children are as follows Mary, Lucinda, Timothy, and Donny.  Shell's is expecting twins and let's say she is not sure she wants more.  The twins are fraternal one boy and one girl.  They will be named Willow and Joseph.  Lee has two Mathew Maxwell and Stephanie.  They are expecting a girl and plan on naming her after Stepanie's mom Andrea.  

I walk out to the car and see my family and Lee's and couldn't help but smile.  It is hard to believe my brother was worried I would ever hurt our Shelly, but after all these years she still takes my breath away.

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