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Sitting down in the same spot against the wall, Charlotte's soft snores echo through the cave

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Sitting down in the same spot against the wall, Charlotte's soft snores echo through the cave.

Bellamy and i sit in awkward silence, neither of us knowing what to say to the other before i decide it's time to get some answers.

"how did you get on the drop ship" the question shocks him, not expecting me to be so blunt about it, as he stares at me, wide eyes and mouth a gape, not knowing what to say.

I take his silence as cue to continue "you're not a guard and when i first saw you, you were with Shumway and he gave you a gun. You must of done something for him because he doesn't do things for free"

"it doesn't matter what i did" he snaps. The nice, caring Bellamy that was just talking to Charlotte was gone and now the usual asshole was back.

"he gave you a gun, who did he want you to shoot?" i push, trying to get answers.

"no one" he hisses through gritted teeth.

"you're so worried about them coming down. It must of been someone of high power, someone on the counsel? the chancellor maybe?" i taunt, trying to get a reaction.

I succeed as his jaw clenches and his whole body tenses at chancellor comes out my mouth.

"you shot he chancellor!" i exclaim, surprised someone had the balls to shot him.

It's about time someone did.

"shut up, you can't tell anyone" he states, glaring at me with those beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

Raising my hands up in defense, looking away and breaking eye contact. the awkward silence comes back as i slump against the wall and close my eyes, hoping to get a couple hours of sleep in.

"how did you get caught" my peaceful rest was interrupted by Bellamy asking me a question that i guess is fair seeing as i asked him a question and ended up reveling his biggest secret.

Sighing, i begin giving him the boring details of my capture "when i was 11, i was crawling through a vent because guards were doing a search of my home. As i was crawling, there must of been a weak part of the vent or something because next thing i knew it broke and i landed right in front of a guard on patrol. The guard asked to see my I.D but obviously i didn't have one so i panicked. I punched him in the face and tried to make a run for it but i was only little and my punch did nothing to him as he grabbed me and dragged me to Kane. They found out who i was and they got my mother and floated her. They made me watch as she got sent out to space, struggling for air. I don't know why they made me watch, but they did" 

Tears prick my eyes that i refuse to fall as silence falls over us once again. After a few good minutes of silence, Bellamy asks me something else "were does Finn place in all of this?"

"he lived next door, i feel though his vent one day and he pieced together who i was seeing as he had never seen me around and i did look a lot like my sister. Me and Raven barely had any food, one because we had an extra mouth to feed and because our mum sold Raven's rations, Finn always shared his with us and we became best friends, Raven more so lovers" i spill it out to him, something about him just giving me the feeling that i can tell all my deepest darkest secrets to him.

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