(Chapter 8) Trust Me She Needs The Support.

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Cherry Hill (California)
June\17\2018 (Summer)
11:30am (Morning)

"Another day of weird activity." Jasper mutters while looking through his phone.

It's now the next day after he told his mother what was happening. And he was bored at work again!

'Your doing this for college, your doing this for college, your doing this for college.' He chants in his head hoping that will be enough to get him through this boring chore of a job.

'Could he have found a better job then this?' He thinks to himself.

Looking around the vacant store listening to weird music play through the speakers. The door opens 'ding!' and in step a sixty something year old looking man walking in.

He's short a good five-foot two in height! Wearing a brown golf cap with grey sideburns sticking out the sides, he wears a beige button up short sleeve shirt with khaki pants and brown dress shoes.

His eyes are tiny behind his thicker frame glasses. Freckles sits on his face edged with wrinkles in many places with his mouth droops like that of a bull dog.

Walking pass Jasper like he isn't there the older guy seem to be searching for something in particular.

'Don't go in the dirty isle! don't go in the dirty isle! don't go in the dirty isle!' Jasper chants in his head.

He watches the old man walk pass the sex isle that gets him to release a breath satisfied.

Until the old guy turns and go right in the dirty sex isle anyways. What was wrong with the senior citizens in this city?

"Dammit!" He accidentally shouts out loud getting the older guys attention.

"I ugh? I accidentally hurt myself?" He lied terribly to the guy with a forced smile.

The old guy shakes his head in a annoyance "kids these days." The older guy mutters.

He goes back to doing what he was doing before he was interrupted.

Sighing he closes his eyes then open them to looks back towards his phone until

"Chirp." The sound of birds catch his attention.

Looking out the window he sees the beautiful sunny day out side of the front door.

Placing his chin on his open palm he stare in a daze wondering what disturbing item will the old guy come out with.

"It better not be lubricant I'm tired if seeing that crap." He mutters.

This was the worst job to take in the history of worst jobs. If he could he would work at a music store or better yet a game store.

He could see himself testing out new games and playing old ones just to pass the time by

The old guy comes back around with body oil, lotion and lube placing them on the counter to be ranged up and paid for.

'Shit! I knew it.' Jasper snaps in his head.

Ringing them up he gives the guy his total. "That will be twelve fifty!" Pulling out a ten dollar bill with two singles and two quarters he gives it to Jasper.

"Thank you for shopping here I hope I see you again real soon." He gives off false cheer.

'I won't really be happy to see you again you old dirt bag.' was Jasper true thoughts.

The old guy turns and leave without a word. He sits there alone again. Grabbing his phone, he was about to browse online for a bit until the door opens once again.

'ding' the bell jingles someones arrival. Looking up he spots the same girl as before coming towards him.

Her carmel colored locks in a ponytail her big brown eyes looks as if their on a mission. Wearing a black belly shirt showing of her toned stomach, with blue jean pants.

She was a beauty to Jasper there was no doubt about it. Stopping right in front of him she leans against the counter and cuts right to the chase.

"Okay I know my friend might comes off as bitchy rude and a complete psychopath and everything! but she is not so bad when you get to know her." Annie rambles her big brown eyes focused on the counter.

"Okay?" Jasper replies confused by her sudden outburst not getting what she was getting at.

"Then you'll be there for her right?" Annie ask Jasper with hopeful eyes.

Still confused he stares at her trying to figure out what she wanted.

"What? Wait a minute? Why are you here? Did you want to buy something?" He asked still confused.

Now it was Annie turn to be confused how did he get what she just said as a means that she wanted to buy something from this store?

"What? No! I came here on the behalf of my stubborn ass friend. Look? I know what happened between you guys a month ago! She told me everything about that day and that you could potentially be the babies father! Which by the way the test confirmed she is pregnant. So I guess congrats are in possible orders for you two." She explained barely without breathing.

Letting all this sink in Jasper places his hand over his face before moving his hand away.

"Would she really need me? Do she really want me there?" He ask needing to really know that he have a shot at becoming a dad.

"Need you? Yes! Want you to be there? No. But she is rich and spoiled by her father who really hate poor people too, just for a heads up. But you need to try for your possible child sake Especially after the way she ending things with Dave and her mother walking out on her. Trust me she needs the support." Annie rants

"What happened between her and Dave why break up now after she gets knocked up with his possible kid?" He asked confused by it all.

"She caught him cheating with some random chick. When she was about to tell him about the kid." Jasper shakes his head in disbelief before he looks at the time on his phone.

'11:55 am' stares back at him.

"Well it's almost my lunch break! And then I have to get back to work. When I see her I will try with all my power to reach out to her for my could be kid sake. But no promises that it will happen the way I hope it does." Jasper agrees.

She smiles in gratitude for him trying to at least help out even if things do work out.

"Oh before I leave what's your name? I'm getting tired of calling you drug store guy." She ask in good spirit.

He chuckled at the nick name she called before responding.

"Jasper, Jasper McGuire." He boasts

"Well I am Annie Divuchi it was nice meeting you." She reply back

before she turns and leave him to his lunch break.

He looks lost in a state of somewhat shock that it's confirmed he is possibly a father. Is he ready for such a huge step in adult hood?

Would he be any good at it? If it's his would he have a daughter or a son? Or how would she or he look? His mind wonders again to the same questions he had at home last night.

The only way he will figure that out is if he try and be there for her rather she likes it or not.

And for that baby's sake he will do just that!

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