(Chapter 17) 12 weeks into the pregnancy! Feeling Free!

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Cherry Hill (California)
September\13\2018 (Summer)
11:15am (Morning)

"Have you been feeling better?" Jasper ask his voice sound sort of worried from her end of the phone.

Smiling and shaking her head in disbelief at how tiresome he could be with worrying like a mother hen.

She still find it cute how gentle he could be despite how she treated him earlier in their relationship.

"Yes! I been feeling loads better since the morning sickness seemed to have gone by. But I have been craving like these weird ass concoction though." Nicole answered with a sour expression.

"You want me to bring you something?" Jasper ask over the line.

"Nah! I have it here already." She respond climbing out of bed.

Putting her feet inside of her slippers she walk out of the room to go into the kitchen in search of her favorite snack. Pickles and peanut butter dip.

Grabbing it she happily move back towards her official room.

"Okay! Oh my mom wants to meet you. I think it's time we all got to know each other better." Jasper warns her.

"Um? News flash! Me and my parents aren't talking anymore. So meeting my family will be a big no thank you." She reply.

Laying face down on her bed she takes her first bite out of her snack.

"Yeah true! So is that a yes about coming over to my place to meet my mom?" He ask sounding nervous.

"I guess I could do that." She reply.

Hearing him Sighing in relief she responds.

"Okay! So when will it be a good time for us to do this." She ask dipping her pickle in a jar of peanut butter.

"Well I'm off this coming Friday, is that good?" He ask.

"Yeah, sure! See you there." She respond biting into her peanut butter dipped pickle.

"See you there! Well I better get off the phone before I get myself fired." He warns.

"Well we can't have that could we? Talk to ya later." She reply.

Hanging up her phone she goes back to eating her pickle. It's weird talking to him. But not a bad weird.

Three weeks ago! Alot has changed from learning to be more humble to poorer people thanks to Tori Annie's mom and too how She first started to get to know more about Jasper.

And all of his little secrets that were about her. They were sweet and creepy because he already knew so much about her just from observing her. but yet? She know next to nothing about him.

Three weeks ago! She also caught her first bout of morning sickness which lead to her puking out her insides and then she passed out afterwards.

Which led to her knowing about his big crush on her in the past, which shocked her for some odd reason.

Jasper's been there for her since day one it seemed. Alot of things she thought were Dave's doing turned out to be Jasper's instead.

The Valentine's Day gifts she use to get were from him. Her birthday gifts of what she actually wanted on that day. Christmas gift during school as well.

Dave lied and said he was responsible for getting her those gifts. When she asked who got her what she asked for because it didn't have a name on it.

But he only bullied his way to her good graces not earned them.

Jasper may not have been rich but he always hustled his way up to whatever it was she wanted.

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