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Yoongi's POV:

I woke up and saw the bedside empty. I checked my phone, saw 2 messages.

Unknown: Good Morning Cutie! I guess we'll be seeing each other soon! Can't wait😘

Unknown: I miss you!


I saw a note on the nightstand:

I have a 8am meeting, I didn't wake you up, I know you're tired you need more sleep.  I made you pancakes. ❤️

I smiled. Although I still feel there's still coldness in her note since there's no I love you...but at least she made me breakfast and she drew a heart.

I went to the kitchen and started eating the pancakes and started going on social media. As expected, the kiss was all over the news. Comments are exploding...both hate and praises. But one article caught my attention, it seems that Pink Nation gave a comment on an article that they are shipping 'YooMin' and has severals projects coming with BTS.

Fuck this!

I finished up breakfast and went to the dorm.

"Have you seen this article?" I showed Namjoon.

"Yeah I just saw that this morning...just hung up with manager-nim and they want to meet with us today" he added

"Did he tell why?" Hoseok asked

"Maybe about what Mina did last night" Jin said

"Have you seen the flood of comments?" Jungkook asked

"Yeah...I hope they just stop this" Tae said looking at me.

"You know when I found Jee last night, she was with Jackson at the parking lot...he said he saw Jee ran so he followed her"Jimin said

My fists tightened hearing his name and how he got to Jee first...I'm so sure he comforted her and took the chance to make her feel better instead of me.

We all went to the office for the meeting.

"I want to go straight to the point on why I called this meeting" Manager-nim started.

"This is about Pink Nation and what Mina did last night at the performance. We know it's not part of the choreo, there were floods of comments but the manager of Pink Nation really liked the publicity and wanted another project." he explained

The guys looked at me with a worried face and the manager notice I was shaking my head.

"Yoongi, I know you are in a relationship with Ms.Choi but these are one of the things that you both have to accept. This is a part of the relationship you both signed up for" Mananger-nim's strong words.

"What will be the next project?" Namjoon asked.

"Next week you're invited to guest in a reality TV show with Pink Nation...they'll partner you up again and play games." he added.

"Can I at least have a different partner?" I asked

"Well this actually pushed through because of you and people are more focused on you two" the manager explained

I just leaned back on my chair while grinding my teeth out of anger and looked at the window.

The manager left the room and Namjoon immediately walked towards me and surprisingly everyone was silent.

"Yoongi...I know you're not in a giod situation now with Jee...but I'll try my very best that this will be the last project we'll be doing with them." as he patted my shoulder.

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