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8:07 01/02

We were partners in crime,
You were the rush I needed every morning,
You gave me the warmth no one could.

But sadly you had to go,
Even though you were so good to me
You were bad for my health,
Mentally and physically,
I said goodbye to you for good,
There were no tears this time,
It wasn't the first time I've left you,
But this time it's goodbye for good.

R.I.P coffee


6:56 01/02

It's been so long since I stepped foot in this place,
I like it,
But I don't like it,
It's a place where I've been constantly been judged for who I am,
It's the place where I thought I was loved,
I confessed to what I was feeling,
They told me no those aren't real feelings,
They kicked me out,
And I never went back.

Now I go back and I feel weird.
I felt unwanted.


1:39 01/03

Counting down,
For a change,
To finally feel like I'm free,
To be me,
To get out of this dark hole I've put myself in for so many years,
I'm finally ready.

I'm ready to let go of the ones who've done me wrong,
Who've given me those empty promises,
Ready to create and share to the world.

So here I am.
Sharing to the world.

8:19 01/04

I lost it sorry
7:18 01/05-08

It all started with a stupid app.

I didn't expect to find someone I sort of had similar qualities with.

But I mean what do you expect from a dating app, right?

So anyways like any other conversation starter she messaged me first and yes this is about a girl liking another girl, don't get to excited it didn't end to well on my part. *insert sad face*


She said...

Girl: Hey!

Me: Hey

Then she asked me where I was from and I was pretty far from her, almost an hour away. But she asked if we could hangout out sometime, and my dumb self said yes. So we ended up meeting up the next Wednesday after I was done working and had taken a shower. She also asked for my number and so I gave it to her. She ended up sending me a meme, which I did not mind at all because it brightened my day at work.

When the day came to finally meet up we ended up going to Frankies and it was the first time I've ever gone to Frankies in my life. I remember how she first appeared to me, I was walking in because she had told me she would be waiting for me there. So I was walking in and she had popped out from the right side of me and LET ME TELL YOU, she looked gorgeous, even if she looked like a little boy.


We greeted each other and she was pretty chill and yeah, note this wasn't a date. so we ended up playing some games inside then playing mini-golf, in which I won at. After Frankies we went to chipotle and I remember with weird guy talking to us, well me mostly because he was near me in line, but we ended up getting food and my younger sister ended calling me and asking me how things were going. But anyways the overall meet up and getting to hangout was pretty cool.


One day we ended up hanging out again and we were getting bojangals because I was hungry for some fries. and as we were waiting we were talking about what we were and she said not to expect anything but a friendship and I was fine with it because I was still not into her. So I was like okay and since then I didn't expect her to like me like that.

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