Chapter 13

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Anna's P.O.V.:

"What did you want to talk about Nash?"

I'm still confused as to why he wants to talk to me.

"Um, you're a girl."

"Yeah, thanks for noticing." I laugh.

"I need some advice on how to approach one." His blue eyes focus on the floor and he smiles.

Phew, I thought this was going in a whole other direction.

"Tell me about that girl you're trying to approach!" I yell. Bumping him.

"Uhm, well. Her name's Melody. She really pretty and she has an awesome personality." He shows me a picture and his face light up.

I smile. "She's so pretty!"


After I've given him some advice we continue to the first slide, me and Lia chatting about the hot boys here. Jc shooting us looks while laughing at something with Nash.

We spot some cure boys but Jc becomes very protective and grabs Lina's waist. "You're mineeee."

I smile at the friends I've made and get in line for the slide.

We chose a loopy, blue one to start out with. And because me and Lia are kind of scared for the big ones. I am afraid of heights so being brave is nothing for me.

I push Nash away down the slide and wait for him to be a while away.

I get in the mini pool, and push off to slide. I woo and slide down at a medium speed. I splash the water and go under.

I seriously love water. I love how it smells, how it looks, how it swallows you into oblivion. Okay I'm getting to poetic. Anyways, I love water a lot.

I wait for Jc while splashing the rest of them and pulling them under. Looking out for surprises.

Nash tries but fails as I slash him away and pull him under. I laugh hysterically and get out.

Nash looks up. "Guys, let's go on that one." He points to the biggest slide of all. I swallow. I'm not going to be able to do this. I'm not. I have to. I'm not a pussy. Just be dauntless, be dauntless.

"Yeah, let's go." I agree with the rest.

We climb the many stairs and wait in line. I'm again the third to slide with Nash being last.

Lia slides down with Jc following shortly behind her. She screams and my body scrunches together in fear. I look behind me at a grinning Nash.

"What are you waiting for?" He asks.

"I, I'm kind..d off a..afraid."

Nash has a smug grin on his face.

"Please don't make me, Nash. I'm seriously afraid of heights."

He laughs. "You're joking, you're going to push me off again."

"Nash, please let me through. I don't want this." I'm about to cry. I don't want to dry but this is too high for me. The orange of the slide is taunting me.

I turn to Nash again. "Please, I'm so scared." I hug him and put my head on his chest, closing my eyes while the feels take over and I start to tremble.

"Nash, please." I feel hot tears rolling down my eyes. He lets go of me a little and puts his hand under my chin, lifting it to look into his eyes.

"Are you crying?" His eyes fill with concern.

I nod. "Don't make me."

"Hush, hush, I won't. Let's just go down."

I feel like such a baby, afraid of a stupid slide. I swallow. I have to keep the little pride I still have. Lia and Jc are looking at us. I remember a quote I heard a long time ago. " When you're old you'll regret the things you haven't done when you were young."

"No, you're right. I have to do this. For myself."

He lets go of me, a little concern still on his face . I sit down and start breathing heavily and trembling.

"Nash, push me. I can't push myself."

I feel him push me and I'm gone.

I feel the speed of the slide and the height makes me scream. I feel adrenaline pumping through me. Here ya go dauntless. I hit the water and feel relieved. That was it. I smile at myself and get above water.

"Woohoo! That was great."

Nash follows me quickly and I give him a huge bear hug. "Thank you."

He just smiles. "Friends will be friends. You're welcome."

After that we just go on some more slides. Then we search for Lucy and Cameron.

We find them on the small fake beach they made for kinds, they're hugging.

"What's going on?"I ask.

Jc appears next to me. "You guys ready to raid the snackbar."


I get some salad while they all get fries and burgers. Nice, lettuce.

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