Chapter 32

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We land a few hours later. Ricky's been sleeping while I've been listening to music. Ariana Grande's new album My Everything is really good. I plug out my head phones and wake up Ricky.

"Ricky, we've landed." I say.

He turns a bit and opens his eyes.

I laugh. "Let's go before they bring us back to LA."

He gets up lazily and yawns. "I'm still tired."

"That's what happens when you go sleep at 4 o'clock. I got your snaps."

He smile. "Internet kids never sleep. That's what your shirt says."

"Touché." I say as I grab my bag and we get out of the plane.

We take a cab to our hotel. We have two double rooms. I share one with Chelsea and Ricky shares one with Trevor. I walk into the basic but chic hotel room and sit on one of the beds.

"Urrrgghhh." Chelsea yells as she jumps on her bed like a starfish.

I chuckle. "Let me guess, you went to bed at 4 AM too?"

"5." She corrects me.

"Okay then let's have a siësta."

"Siësta?" She asks as she lifts her head up.

"Just a midday sleep. I dunno how you guys call it."

"Well, I don't know either but it sounds like an idea but first we need food."

"Let's go see if the boys want some too."

Chelsea slides of the bed and crawls to the door.

"What?" She asks as I look down and smile at her.

"You want me to put a leash on you? There are other, hot boy youtubers here and you'll probably want to get to know some because we'll be travelling with them. You told me you're looking for someone."

She scrambles to her feet immediately and quickly adjusts her light blonde hair.

"Okay I'm ready." She says and when she smiles I see her eyes brown eyes twinkle a bit.

We close the door behind us and I grab the room key.

The room next to us is Ricky and Trevor's so we have to walk about 5 metres.

There are no other youtubers to be seen here. Oh, well. We are pretty early here. Everything starts tomorrow.

Trevor opens and smiles. "Ladies, come in."

I snort at him and enter after Chelsea. Ricky is trying to sleep on his bed.

So I do what everyone would have done. I jump on him and scare him.

He groans and shifts under me.

"Why?" He sighs.

I smile. "We're hungry."

He rubs his eyes with his hands and groans something like fine.

But I don't get off of him before I peck his lips. He smiles as I get of the bed and join Chelsea and Trevor on the couch in the small entertainment/living room.

"So what are we ordering?" I ask as I sit down.

"I vote KFC." Trevor says.

"I vote Taco Bell." Chelsea says.

"Hmpf." I say, looking at their faces.

"And tomorrow your bellies will hurt and you won't be good on stage, Trevor."


"Nope, I really don't feel like dealing with people getting sick. And to be honest when we eat there we'll be hungry in two hours."

"True that." Chelsea says as she folds her legs under herself, her hair spills on Trevor but he doesn't mind.

"What about we ask downstairs of they have any good, healthy restaurants that deliver?" I say, thinking out loud.

"I'll come with you." Ricky says as he finally joins us. He yawns.

"We'll bring back the menus if we can." I say as I walk to the door with Ricky following.

Chelsea and Trevor yell bye.


After we've collected the menus and have seen a few youtubers we go back upstairs. I wanted to say hi but tomorrow we have a breakfast with everyone here so no pressure or missed chances.

We got a few menus and I feel pretty exited to be eating healthy.The getting sick was mostly for myself because I've heard all kinds of stories about people getting sick and pooping for hours. I really don't want that happening here.

We step into the elevator, mirrors surrounding us.

"I want to try this restaurant." I say as I show Ricky the menu. "It seems good." I can't really pronounce the name but it seems a small restaurant with all kinds of food.

"Sure. I'd love to try that healthy pizza."

I laugh. "Pizza is life."

The elevator stops, we walk through the corridor and enter the room. Chelsea and Trevor are fighting but what else do you expect.

"We found a restaurant!" I say.

"Woohoo." Chelsea cheers and comes to look at the menu.

"Ooh." She says. "But we are so stupid, we could've just ordered room service."

"This seems better." Ricky says as he smiles at me. "And tastier."

We order a few dishes so we can all try everything.

10 Minutes later, everything is already here.

"Props for them being so quick." Ricky says as he makes his way back with all the food.

We put all the food on the coffee table and sit around it on the couches. I almost throw myself at the chicken while they all try the pizza. Haha, Americans are so predictable.
They are all sleeping. Chelsea and Trevor in one bed and Ricky in the other.

I tried to snuggle with Ricky but I quickly gave up, I can't really sleep that well and I don't want to be bored. I had pecked Ricky's lips and walked outside. I really don't know what to do so I just go check out the facilities.

I take the elevator and check myself in the reflexion. I look okay, a bit dry and weird from the plane ride but that's okay. I comb my fingers through my dark brown hair.

The elevator stops and I get out. I see a few youtubers here. I see Chris from WeeklyChris and Joe Sugg and a few other youtubers.

I immediately walk up to Joe and ask for a selfie. After we get an amazing selfie and I've introduced myself as Ricky's girlfriend I continue walking.

I don't really know where I'm heading.

The LA Lifestyle ( Ricky Dillon)Where stories live. Discover now