Chapter 2

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Recap: Some of them pointing guns towards the class we were in and scanning around the area to kill off people in this building. I used my hand and signalled a back motion and they hid retracted their foot back to where they are supposed to be.

I looked out of the window and ducked down when the last terrorist walked towards this area. I slid to them camouflage clothes and they cover themselves with it. The terrorist looked around the classroom and walked off with the groups.

Saito POV 

"Guys... You will run, I will be the distraction, GO!" I whisper yelled at them and they ran away quickly as I turned to the group who currently wasn't facing me. I grabbed a chewing gum and chewed as I ran and making the sure that the chewing gum is chewed thoroughly and then I spits it out and threw it at a bald guy a nylon string attached to it.

The guy felt the gum against his head and he turned and I delivered a sharp kick to his temple and knocked him out. I dragged the guy by his collar and threw him into a classroom and locked the windows and door and left him there to rot to death.

I slid into an empty room also know as my school hall, darkness enveloped me as I slowly find my way to the other exits when the lights flickered on row by row. My eyes widened and ran towards the front quickly and then turned left.

I stood at where I assumed it was the exit and turned the door knob furiously as it turned and a clacking sound was heard. I pushed the door with my strength to push it open but it just shook quickly as the door rattles in its hinges.

I looked back and forth as I twisted the knob and and the door rattles even quicker. I decided on taking out a spare hair pin in my pocket to pick it open. I squatted down as I twisted my hairpin in the lock as I turned and after a long excruciating 10 seconds the locked clicked open quickly.

I pulled out my hair pin and slid it back into my pocket when a gruff voice was heard echoing at the back of the curtains.

"A kid who picks lock...and my next victim."

I looked at the guy behind me and his big hands grabbed my shoulder and covered my mouth with a cloth and the smell of chlorine invaded my nostrils.

I held in my breath to stop myself from inhaling the chlorine and I locked my legs backward hitting the guy in his crotch.

He winced slightly and lightly release the grip on the cloth on my mouth and I slipped out of his arms and let out a breath of pleasure and I ran towards the door when army of people crowded the door blocking me from my exit.

"Scram..." I growled as they held their bats and their pocket knife some with their hand guns.

I backed off slowly and reached for my bag behind me. I swiped behind me and all I got was air and nothing else.

I got alarmed and I looked behind me and saw my pack gone. I looked at the buff guy as he held my pack by its strap and dangled it in mid air.

I ran to grab my bag back when I was held back by 4 people as I struggled to get out of this spot as I clawed frantically at my bag.

He smirked and he dropped the bag and stepped on it, her first aids, her walkie talkie and her favourite limited edition Sarase pen with a picture of Detective Conan on it.

He threw the bag away and he made a handsigns and I blacked out quickly.


When I was conscious again, the surroundings were blurry and then it refocused and I was staring at a lamp on the ceiling.

I squinted my eyes and looked away from the light and saw a faint silhouette in the darkness. I moved my body and found myself chained to the chair in metal chains and a metal combination lock at the back.

"Tell us where the other are and I will spare your life," he smirked and I frowned and growled at him.

"Take that 'tell is where the others are' bullshit and stuff it back into your throat," I growled at him menacingly.

He laughed and looked at me with his coal black eyes shining brightly, "Feisty aren't we? It's fine after all, because the nail that sticks up gets hammered first then you will be of no threat to me anymore."

I glared at the guy with cold eyes and spat at him venomously, "Even if I died, my spirit will find you and haunt your dreams"

He laughed and I shrink back slightly under his insane gaze. He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him quickly.

I sighed in relief and I fumbled with the combination lock behind the chair next to my hands.

I fumbled with the numbers as I tried everything until I touched onto the number 666. The lock clicked open and the chained loosened around my wrists.

I got out of the chain and rubbed the imprints on my wrist and I saw an air vent on top of me. I climbed onto the chair and grabbed the air vent and took off the cover and held it between my arms.

I grabbed the ledge quickly with my free hand and swung myself into the air vent. I crawled on all fours as I enter the metal valve, I took the cover and placed it back to its original place and crawled to the opposite direction quickly.

I peeked out of the vents occasionally to check where I was and when I did I realised I was at the canteen.

I crawled right quickly and saw a vertical air vent up ahead and went to pry it open and forced the metal out by kicking it with both of my legs and I came out of the school compound.

I ran out of school and stood outside the pavement enjoying the fresh air when an elbow hit me and pushed me towards an oncoming blue Maserati.

I scrambled to get my bearings right and felt my legs go jelly. I stared at the headlights as my eyes were still wide open as I tried to register what happened to me.

There was a moment of pain and then there was none.

I looked at the blurry figures of my nurse and doctors as they rushed me to the emergency room and started to save me when the last thing I hear was the unsettling sound of the heart monitor.

A flat beeping sound.

It's annoying.

There is nothing.

It's dark.

What's with that white dress.

I died.

Did I ?

Not yet my dear... "Who are you!?" I am what you puny humans call me Kami Sama. The fudge....okay so he meant god but really... "So where am I Kami Sama?" I yelled at the abyss of darkness suddenly feeling stupid that I was doing this.

You are in what you humans call purgatory honestly such a horrible place. Urgh Purgatory knight has no taste. I sweatdropped at what he ranted to me about and I honestly think he isn't answering my question.

You have towards choices Saito. One, get reborn. Two, get judged in the presence of all deities. I thought long and hard about it which was quite short in my terms but to him which he thinks is 10 years and I was 10 minutes.

Faster! I wanna sleep! Even gods have to sleep Saito kun faster! I rolled my eyes and I yelled out at him, "Fine Jesus Christ I choose rebirth" he chuckled deeply when I called him Jesus Christ.

Your wish is granted Saito kun..

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