one direction part 6

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Harry's POV

"She kissed me." Louis said.

"Sh...She kissed you?? What, how?"

"I was saying goodnight to her and she just kissed me. Maybe it was because she was drunk, maybe not, I don't know." He ran his fingers nervously through his hair. "Sh-she said she loved me too. I don't know what to... what to do. She wouldn't do that normally, because she has a boyfriend and all, but...."

"You didn't like it, did you?" I asked, shocked.

"I don't know! I just.... don't know."


Anna's POV

Owww... oh my god I woke up with the worst headache. What happened yesterday... It hurts to move. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep again. Moments after I did the door burst open and Zayn was trying to wake me up.

"Fuck off Zayn....... just go away." I rolled over and pulled the covers over my head.

"Anna, it's almost one, you have to get up. Cmon." He slid his arms under me and picked me up bridal style, blankets and all. "We're going to the kitchen, kay? Harry's making lunch."

I nodded slightly and buried my head in his chest. He smelled really good. He was only wearing sweatpants and a thin tangtop, it looked sexy on him. He brought me to the kitchen and helped me on one of the bar stools around the island. Harry and Liam were in the kitchen, Harry was at the stove making something and Liam was watching some movie on the TV.

"Anna! You're up!" Liam exclaimed, rushing to hug me.

"Please just... go away." I put my head on the counter and covered it with my arms. My head was pounding and it went more every time there was a loud noise.

"Love, do you want some Tylenol? I have a bottle right here," Liam grabbed a bottle out of a drawer, grabbed a cup and filled it with water, then gave both of them to me. "Here you go. Hope you feel better." He kissed my cheek softly and went to help Harry, who hadnt said a word. I took the pills and laid my head back down on the cold counter. I think I fell asleep because Zayn was shaking me, saying "Wake up, lunch is ready." I groaned and let him lead me to the table. When I looked up I saw Louis sitting across from me. I caught him staring at me and he looked quickly down at his food. I looked around and I didnt see niall anywhere.

"Uhm... where's n-niall?" I mumbled.

"He's still in his room. Sleeping probably." Liam said, scooting into the chair next to me.

"So you'll get me out of bed but not him what..... you cunts I like my sleep."

"Louis wanted to talk to you about last night."

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