one direction part 18

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Anna's POV

"Niall!! stop please!" I shouted. His hand was wrapped around my wrist and he was literally dragging me down the hall. I could feel his fingernails cutting into my skin, even though they were short and not that sharp.

"Shut up." Niall muttered, digging his fingernails deeper into my skin.

I cried out in pain and tried to pry his hand off. He noticed immediately and stopped dragging me. I thought he was going to be done. But no. He grabbed my shoulders and slammed me against the wall. Being forced against the wall is usually hot.. but not now. I could feel his breath on my neck as he leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"Stop struggling and maybe i'll stop hurting you."

"why the fuck are you hurting me in the first place?" i snapped and pushed him away from me.

He grabbed my arm and started pulling me again, without a word.

"Niall answer me damnit!"

"Because you're a slut." Niall said, not turning around for a second. I bit my lip and let him pull me, it was probably better to keep my mouth shut. Eventually he stopped dragging me and let me walk beside him, but he still was holding my arm. I don't even know where he was going. Niall's grip tightened slightly and he turned to go into a room. His room.


"Shut up."

He shut the door behind us and locked it.

"What are you-"

"I told you to shut up."

"Can you at least tell me why I'm here?!"

He stopped and turned around. a huge smirk came on his face and he pushed me slowly against the wall. "I'm gonna show you I'm better than Harry or Louis will ever be."


Harry's POV

I need to pee. really bad. seems whenever I get punched in the gut I end up going to the toilet. I need to see what happened to Anna though, where she got to. I hurried down the stairs and looked around the kitchen/dining room for Louis. Maybe he was in the family room? Or his room? Only way to find out was to go check. Family room first. I peeked in and saw him watching a movie. Thank god.


He turned his head and asked "How'd it go with Anna?"

"Uhm... yeah i have to talk to you about that." I said nervously. He wasn't going to be happy.

He paused whatever he was watching and motioned for me to come sit with him. I sat down next to him and explained everything, except for when i kissed her. I thought it was better to keep quiet about that for now. I'm sure Louis knew what niall was planning on doing, but he didn't say anything. Once I finished he got up and motioned for me to come too. I followed close behind him. He came to Niall's room and he knocked harshly on the door. "Niall?!" He shouted.

No response. Not really a surprise. Louis pounded on the door and repeated Niall's name. I probably should be helping. I watched him grab the handle and try opening the door, obviously it was locked. "Niall I know you're in there! Open the door!"

Louis opened his mouth to yell again, and I shushed him. He looked at me with a confused face and I mouthed 'listen'. He still looked confused until a scream erupted from the room. We only heard it for a second. Louis put his ear up to the door and motioned for me to come listen too. I placed my ear against the door and listened closely. If you were really quiet, you could hear the scream still. It was muffled, but it was obviously a girl's. Louis backed away from the door and turned to me. "Should we go in..?"

one direction part 1Where stories live. Discover now