✩ I Meant What I Said ✩ (RM)

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"I hate biology." I groan in frustration and slump back on my bed.

"Come on y/n, you can hate it all you want after we do the exam." Namjoon, my sweet boyfriend, says as his eyes skim through his textbook.

"But it's just so hard! UGH!" I whine, but sit back up and try to read through my notes again.

Namjoon ignores my childish behaviour and continues writing his notes.

We had a biology exam coming up on Friday so Namjoon and I were in my room revising together.

I sigh loudly and try to concentrate on the words on my book, remembering how Namjoon explained the structure of DNA to me earlier on. Soon, I get more motivated as I begin to understand and write more notes.

After 45 minutes of me working extremely hard, I put my pen down and stretch my arms up, wanting a small break. Namjoon is reading through his notes but there's a small smile on his lips.

I raise an eyebrow and poke him on his leg.

"Why are you smiling at your notes?" I say with a frown.

He shakes his head, saying it's nothing but his smile only becomes wider and I watch him as he bites his lip from grinning.

"Joon, tell me!" I pout at him and he puts his book down and looks up at me with a cheeky grin.

"I thought of a pickup line." He says proudly, wiggling his eyebrows.

I snort, "We have an exam and you're thinking about pickup lines, seriously?" I roll my eyes playfully and he chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

"Go on then," I shuffle closer to him, eager for what he has to say. "Do your best, Joon."

He grins cutely and intertwines our hands together.

"If I had to choose between RNA and DNA, I would choose RNA because it has U in it."

I stare at him for 2 seconds before I burst out laughing and he giggles.

"Joon, that was so-" I shake my head, unimpressed.

He pouts adorably, "Wouldn't you fall for it?" I mentally die at the sight of his dimples popping out.

"No, that's way too cheesy." I say, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Okay, I'll think of a better one then." He says, biting his lip in thought.

I peck his cheek and he smiles, his dimple popping out again. We continue to study for a while until we finish off the last topic.

Namjoon closes his textbook and places it back in his bag by the bed and shuffles back towards me. I shove my stuff off the bed and move closer to him, both of us laying on our backs.

Suddenly, Joon sits up and looks at me excitedly, a smirk playing on his plump lips.

"I got it!"

"Got what?" I ask, staring at the ceiling.

"A pickup line... a good one." He wiggles his eyebrows.

I sit up and face him, "Okay, hit me."

He leans closer to me, placing a hand on my thigh and his lips brush against my ear as he whispers.

"If I were an enzyme, I'd be DNA Helicase so I could unzip your genes."

A slight gasp escapes my lips and I blush deeply. Joon's smirk widens, amused at my reaction.

"That was good." I admit, nodding my head in approval and he grins triumphantly, mocking a bow, "Thanks babe."

I laugh at this adorable dork but I stop when I see the glint in his eyes, the playful look is gone and is replaced by something else.... Lust.

A frown creases my forehead, "What?" My heart starts beating faster at the way his eyes trail down my body.

I watch as Joon licks his lips slowly, "I meant what I said." HIs voice turns husky as he strokes my arm, causing shivers to run down my body.

I let out a breath, a blush crawling up my neck, not breaking eye contact with him.

"Then do it."

A/N: Oh man I just never have the motivation to write imagines anymore, maybe bc I'm always stressed over school ugh, but I wish my ideas would come more often so I can write more : /

I did start a Jimin fanfic tho so pls check that out if you want, It'd mean a lot to me :)

Anyways, I hoped you liked this and please vote and comment!

- S

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