✩ Let's Make Cookies ✩ (RM)

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"Let's make cookies!" I look at Namjoon with a big grin, he nods and intertwines our hands together.

"Okay, let's go."

We both head downstairs to the kitchen and begin our mission. I tell Namjoon to get the ingredients while I gathered all the utensils that we needed.

"Shall I search up a recipe for choc chip cookies, just to check if we're doing it right?" He asks me, leaning his elbows on the counter opposite me, watching me while I make the dough.

I nod and he takes out his phone and reads out the recipe while I listen. After we clarify what we need to do, we begin the real work of shaping the dough. We spend most of the time singing along to the radio while we work together and some of the time sneaking some cookie dough into our mouths.

"Okay, we can't eat any more dough or else we'll have nothing to make cookies with." I say sternly and begin putting the shaped dough onto a baking tray.

"Okay baby." He smiles cheekily and plants a kiss on my cheek before he helps me place the cookies onto the trays.

After we were done and put the trays in the oven, Namjoon set the timer and cleaned up our mess while we waited for the cookies to bake.

"Joon, can you wash the dishes while I go call Jin and tell him we ran out of some stuff?"

"Okay, but be quick." He winks and I smile and go get my phone. I call Jin but V picks up, so I tell V to tell Jin what we need, I wasn't sure if V heard me because J Hope was making noises in the background. After I'm done talking, I go check on the other boys before going back to the kitchen.

My nose scrunches as a burning smell fills my nostrils.

Is that smoke?

I sprint into the kitchen and gasp when I see the cloud of smoke coming out of the oven. Namjoon isn't even in here, I shout for him and he appears with a shook face when he sees the scene in front of me.

"JOON, STOP STANDING THERE AND OPEN THE WINDOWS BEFORE THE SMOKE AL-" The loud ringing of the smoke alarm cuts me off and I curse loudly while I turn off the oven and Namjoon opens all the windows.

"OH MAN HOLY SHIT!" Jungkook yells in surprise,"WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO?!

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Jimin comes rushing in with a camera in his hand, ready to film.

"Did someone die?" Yoongi walks in after them and surveys the room.

"They nearly burnt the house down." Jungkook sniggers.

Namjoon sighs loudly and runs a hand through his hair.

"Is everyone okay?" Jimin asks worriedly and we all nod.

"Since no one's hurt, Im going back to sleep." Yoongi says before leaving the kitchen.

I put on some oven gloves and open the oven, some smoke drifts out and I cough, flapping my hands to make the smoke clear away.

"Babe, let me do it." Joon takes the gloves and takes out the baking trays. I groan as I see all the burnt cookies on the tray, I'm surprised the trays aren't burnt either.

"Oh man, all that work for nothing." I shake my head in disappointment.

"It's okay, we can make more another day." Namjoon says, slinging an arm around my shoulder, I lean onto him and sigh loudly.

Jungkook peers at the trays and smirks, "It's choc chip cookies, not burnt cookies, hyung."

Namjoon looks at the Maknae and raises an eyebrow, "It's BTS, not coconut head and friends."

I can't help it and burst out laughing with Jimin and Jungkook rolls his eyes and leaves with Jimin trailing after him.

"Let's clean up before Jin gets here." Namjoon says and I nod in agreement, helping him throw away the cookies and wash the trays. Jimin comes in to spray some air freshener which I thank him for and then when we're done we decide to go out to buy some cookies instead.

A/N: I love Joonie hahaha, please leave a vote for Joon <3

A/N: I love Joonie hahaha, please leave a vote for Joon <3

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