✩ Run ✩ (J Hope)

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Your POV:

I prance around my room, singing along to the song that's blasting through my speakers as I finish getting ready for my date with Hoseok. After slipping on my boots, I take one last look in the mirror before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs.

My older brother, Namjoon, is sat on the couch with his eyes glued to whatever book he's reading now.

"Joonie, how do I look?" I say, waiting for his opinion.

Namjoon looks up from his book and a smile appears on his face when he scans my outfit.

"Hmm..beautiful, enthralling and eye-catching." I can't help but smile and run over to give him a hug, which he returns with a grin.

"Where are you going?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Just... out with a friend." I shrug and he nods before returning back to his book.

I sigh in relief as he didn't question me further and grab my jacket before leaving the house, eager to go meet Hoseok, my secret boyfriend who, yes, is also one of my brothers best friends.

Hoseok and I have been secretly dating for 8 months now and it was honestly the best 8 months of my life. We had to keep it secret because Namjoon made it clear to his best friends that I was off limits but somehow Hoseok and I started talking more until he asked me out and now here we are, 8 months later, going on another date to our favourite park next to the cafe where he first asked me out.

It took 10 minutes to walk to the Cafe, I walk in and head over to our usual spot in the comfy corner where Hobi is already waiting with our milkshakes.

"Hey Y/n," Hobi smiles widely, engulfing me in a tight hug,"You look beautiful, baby."

My cheeks turn red and I thank him with a little kiss on his soft lips, causing him to flush at my sudden move.

I giggle as he intertwines our hands and lets me sit down on the seat before he slides in after me.

"I got your favourite chocolate milkshake but they ran out of brownies today." He pouts and I nod, taking a sip of the delicious drink.

"That's fine, thanks Hobi." I squeeze his hand and he chuckles, sipping his vanilla milkshake.

"Namjoon asked me where I was going, I kinda got scared because I thought he was suspicious." I tell him.

Hobi stops slurping and turns to me with his eyes wide, "And what did you say?"

"I said i was just going out with a friend so he nodded and continued reading his book."

Hoseok sighs in relief and I laugh, "He was too enthralled in his book to ask me anything else."

"That's good, phew." Hobi chuckles, "Anyways, did you watch the next episode for W?" He asks excitedly, I nod my head and we talk about the Kdrama for a while like two fangirls talking about their favourite band.

"I really need to know what happens next, I hope they catch him," He says before finishing his drink, I quickly do the same before we both get up to put the empty cups in the bin.

Suddenly a phone starts to ring, we both look at each other before we realise it's his phone. He frowns and takes it out of his pocket and checks who it is.

"Oh my god, it's Namjoon!" Hobi starts to panic, "What do I do?"

"Just answer it!" I say and he nods quickly, putting the phone on speaker and accepts the call.


"Hey Hoseokie, how are you?" Namjoon says brightly.

"I'm great, how are you?"

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