✩ Seesaw ✩ (Suga)

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It was such an amazing day.

The weather was sunny with a fresh breeze, the sky was clear, it was just right. What could be better than going to the park while listening to music and holding hands with your boyfriend, MIn Yoongi?

It couldn't get any better than this.

My eyes travel towards Yoongi, whose gaze is focused on his phone while he changes the song that we were listening to, I take this opportunity to stare at him, admiring his messy vibrant blue hair, his cute red jumper that is a little too long so it falls of his arms making him look extra cute and some denim jeans. Let's not forget his red converses.

I snap out of my trance when he calls my name, I look at his face and see the small smirk resting on his lips, my cheeks turn bright red.

"LIke what you see?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me in a teasing manner.

"Of course," I scoff, " You look like candy."

He raises an eyebrow playfully, "So... you want to eat me?" Yoongi grins widely, clearly enjoying this.

I shrug casually, "I mean I wouldn't mind..." I send him a wink and that causes his adorable gummy smile to emerge as laughter escapes his lips.

"Speaking of eating, do you want some ice cream?" He nods over to the ice cream van.

I squeal and nod eagerly, Yoongi chuckles and pulls me towards the ice cream van. We both get whippy ice creams before continuing to walk into the park.

We're both devouring our ice creams, relishing the delicious sweet taste when out of nowhere, I trip over a damn rock and before I know it, my ice cream drops onto the floor. We both stop and I stare down at my ice cream with a pout.

Yoongi puts an arm around my shoulder, "It's okay, we can share mine,"he offers me his ice cream.

"This is why you're the best boyfriend ever." I state proudly, before I take a lick. He smiles, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

"I know, babe."

We finally reach the park, following the path to just walk around, as we occasionally lick the ice cream and sing along to the music.

At one point, I inch down to the ice cream when Yoongi absently minded lowers his mouth towards it too and our lips brush against each other, with some ice cream coating our lips.

I let out a little gasp, my lips part in surprise while Yoongi doesn't hesitate to lick his lips before kissing me again. I finally unfreeze and kiss him back, loving how his cold lips lock onto mine, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

A few minutes later, we pull away and both our faces are flushed.

"The ice cream is almost as sweet as you, babe." Yoongi says cheekily, earning a giggle from me.

We finish off the last bits of the cone before we discover an empty playground. I look around and jump up in excitement when I see the seesaw.

"Oh my god! Can we go on the seesaw? I haven't been on it in ages! Please, Yoongi?"

"Why not?" He says with a sweet smile, I squeal loudly and pull him after me while he shakes his head and a chuckle coming out of his mouth.

I sit down on one side and motion for Yoongi to hurry up and sit opposite me. Once he sat, we play on it, swinging up and down like little children.

We both start laughing at how stupid we look but that doesn't stop us from enjoying it. A big smile rests on my lips as I look around, my eyes captured by the beauty of nature. I was too enthralled by the pretty flowers to notice Yoongi staring at me.

"Hey, I'm gonna go buy some water." I tell him and he nods, not really concentrating on my words but rather on me.

I giggle and walk over to the van, buying myself some water. I glance back at Yoongi, whose eyes are solely focused on me, kinda like he's in a trance. He looks at me as if he's daydreaming, his lips are partly open, his nose scrunches and he licks his lips.

I thank the guy before heading back to Yoongi, who's lost in his own world, thinking deeply.

He doesn't notice when I sit opposite him, he just keeps staring at me with dreamy eyes, he honestly looks so adorable I just want to squish his face and shower him with kisses.

I raise an eyebrow when I spot a few kids behind Yoongi, they talk among themselves and point towards Yoongi who is completely oblivious. I guess the kids want to play on the seesaw but baby Yoongi is too busy in his own world.

I chuckle, getting off and walking over to him.

"Yoongi, " I whisper in his ear, and that snaps him out of whatever trance he was in. He blinks a few times, before looking over at me with a cute smile.

"Yes baby?" He says with a pout.

My heart flutters at how adorable he looks, I giggle and point to the kids behind me who are shyly waiting for a turn.

"Oh," He slips off the seesaw with a flustered look and gives the kids a warm smile.

"Sorry, you kids can play now."

The kids cheer and climb onto the seesaw, one of the smaller boys had trouble sitting on the seat. Before I could get to him, Yoongi saunters over to the boy and lifts him up onto the seat with a grin.

The kid grins back widely and gives Yoongi a high five. I laugh and link my arms with Yoongi.

"Come on, cutie."

Yoongi's flashes me his gummy smile and pinches my cheeks.

"Not as cute as you, baby." He pecks my nose and a light blush travels down my neck. We both chuckle and start walking back home. 

A/N: I have one more week of mock exams left but ughhh i literally have no motivation or time to write and post. I felt like posting today so you're welcome. This was like an imagine in honour of Yoongi's birthday so I hope you liked it because I really enjoyed writing it.  I might update a bit more today hehe or else I'll see ya next time. Thank you!

p.s. TXT are amazing and they are my babies uwu, my bias is Taehyun but like Beomgyu is SO DAMN CUTEE DKSNFA. I love them all man, they're something new and fresh and I love it. 

p,p.s. Literally 5/7 of bangtan are blonde dkdasnf you know what that means... COMEBACK TIME KLASNFKNASF I AM NOT READY. But then again, when am I ever ready?? 

Anyways have a nice day/night, i love you <3

- S

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