Chapter 27

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*diannes 30 weeks now*

Diannes pov

I woke up to piper kicking me hardly. I smiled and rubbed my belly she had started kicking a few weeks ago and joe was other the moon he constantly was feeling my tummy. Like always joe was still asleep. Today we were going to go shopping for our little girl. I got up carefully trying to not wake joe as he needed his sleep. I went to the kitchen and made us some pancakes. When they had finished cooking joe still wasn't awake so I put them on a tray and went into our room. I woke joe up gently. "Morning sleeping beauty I made breakfast" He perked up hearing the word breakfast and sat up rubbing his eyes. "It looks amazing thanks love" I sat down next back in bed and we both ate the pancakes. "Yum there's are the best pancakes ever!" He exclaimed I smiled at him. When we had both finished we both got dressed and left the room and headed to the shops. When we got there as it was still quite early it was quite quiet. We were getting all the stuff for the nursery and the pram as she could be coming in around 10 weeks or under! As it was freezing outside we went to get a costa first then we made our way into the baby store. We spent absolutely hours in there. We first picked out a pram and a car seat after we chose some which took forever as we couldn't agree on one we went to go and get some furniture the her room. We knew what colour scheme we were going to do. We were going for grey and pink with white furniture. After we finally finished we had a hard task of getting it all in the car. Some how we managed to get it in I don't know quite how though. It was a bit of a squeeze but we managed to get it back. We then had to carry it all the way to our floor. Joe would not let me help carry any of the heavy stuff so it took him many runs to get it up. We had a quick lunch and then we started to paint the room. It took ages as we just messed around most of the time.

Joes POV

It was the next day and yesterday we had painted the room we had to wait a day to put all the furniture up so it could dry. After we had a nice full English breakfast that I cooked we set to work. We built all of the nursery first and when we where finally done and both happy with it (picture of it at the bottom) we stopped for food. I was beyond excited for piper to get here and I loved the nursery it looked amazing! We also had put a little cot that attached to our bed on so in case we needed it we could use it. After some food we both built the pram and got the car seat ready when we had finished which took quite a while as I had no idea on how to put the pram together. Dianne didn't help much by just sat there laughing at me. Dianne fell asleep on the couch afterwards so I left a note saying I had gone to the shops and would be back soon. I drove to the local shop as I couldn't be bothered to walk to pick up some food for tonight as we had no food in our kitchen it was bare. I finished in just under half an hour I also got dianne a box of chocolates and some flowers. As I walked back to my car with the bags of food I group of teenage girls were stood in a huddle cat calling me I rolled my eyes and carried on. When I got back dianne had woken up and was sat on the couch watching a movie. When I got in she heard the Door open and smiled massively at me "hey joey" "ello di when did you wake up?" I asked her "little while ago" she replied. I gave her the chocolate and flowers she smiled massively at me and hugged me "your to good to me Joe" pecking my cheek. "Love you reddo" "aw love you to suggy" she helped me put the shopping away and made us some spaghetti bolognas for dinner.

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