ii - new beginnings

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Rey wouldn't say she was disappointed when she woke up and Ben was gone, she knew the connection could only stay open for so long. Still, it was almost like she could always feel his presence in the back of her mind. Rey sighed and rubbed her eyes. They all had plenty of work to do that day.

Leia pointed the way to an abandoned Rebel base in the forests of Naboo where they've been hiding for the last few days. The First Order was still on the lookout for the very last of the Resistance. So they all pitched in and cleaned the base from top to bottom and now focused on recruiting more members. Finn proudly went with Chewie and Poe to surrounding systems to start scouting out recruits. Rose was in the makeshift hospital wing, still recovering. Finn didn't leave before planting a kiss on her forehead and wishing for her to wake before he got back.

"Would Rey please report to Building A5 please, A5 please?" An intercom blared out. Rey was just making repairs on a few forest speeders so she wasn't too busy. Leia was waiting outside, presumably for her to arrive. They nodded wordlessly as greeting and met in an empty mess hall that was full of miscellaneous boxes.

"Is something on your mind, Rey? I've noticed you haven't been as talkative with Finn since we arrived," Leia inquired, sitting on an ammunition box. Rey shifted her feet and took a deep breath. She had to tell her at some point about this bond with her own son, but should she do it now? And how would Finn and Poe react? No, she couldn't, not yet.

It lingered in her mind that she wanted this bond with Ben to be her secret for just a bit longer. Rey had decided. "I'm just worried about how long it will take to repair my lightsaber," she reassured to the concerned general. "It sort of grounded my powers and I feel lost without it on my belt."

Leia nodded, not fully convinced, but she could see how Rey needed space at the moment. "You know we're all here for you, Rey. If you ever need to talk to someone, don't hesitate," she spoke with a certain wisdom, and Rey could tell  that Leia knew she was lying. She smiled despite that, grateful for being given time. Leia took her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze before leaving her with her thoughts.

Rey thought back to the night before when Kylo...Ben had taken her hand in the same way. She looked outside to the trees of green and the slowly darkening sky, wondering where he could be. Shaking her head, she sighed and left the room, heading to her new quarters. Since the Falcon was in Chewie's hands, she wasn't worried about its well-being. Still, it was the closest thing to home for her, it being her last reminder of Han and a symbol of her escaping her past life as a scavenger.

Her quarters were in what used to be an ammunition's bunker. It was small room with one medium sized bed that was mildly comfortable. It had no windows, some candles, a string of lanterns hung up for light, and a chest of drawers for whatever belongings she had. It wasn't much, but it was all hers. The communal refresher was empty so she took the opportunity to clean up before getting to bed.

Rey had taken the Jedi books from the Falcon and piled them into a drawer when she moved in. After haphazardly drying her hair, she grabbed the smallest and tucked herself in, preparing to read it.

Ben felt it happening first this time. He was also in his quarters, shiny black floors, a massive bed and red touches here and there. Very appropriate for a Supreme Leader. The air around him hummed and the scent of rose and eucalyptus filled his nose. He turned from where he had put on his night clothes, a simple black shirt and black cotton sweatpants, and saw her sitting in his bed reading what looked to be an ancient book. Ben couldn't believe his eyes. Rey looked so cozy and calm in his presence he almost believed she was there with him on the Finalizer.

She didn't seem to notice him at first. Not until he sat down at the edge of her bed with a curious look on his face. Rey looked up and jumped ever so slightly at the sight of him so casually sitting there. Ben half-smiled at her. Rey's hair was down and still wet. Her face was flushed from the hot water in the 'fresher and the cold temperatures in the bunkers. She was wearing standard issue sleep clothes for the Resistance: tan sweatpants and a slightly too-big beige t-shirt.

"Does she speak?" He probed, whilst making himself more comfortable on her bed. Rey rolled her eyes and kicked his thigh from underneath her bedcovers.

"Yes she does, and she'd appreciate it if he'd stop fidgeting," she retorted quietly. Poe set up patrols for the night to walk the halls and buildings before he left, so Rey was wary of being too loud. Them being connected, Ben knew this before she said it.

"Afraid of making too much noise, my dear?" Rey's mouth dropped open. Did he just call her dear?! Ben stifled a laugh while she attempted to beat him with a thousand year old book. Before she could land a third blow on his arm, he took hold of her wrist and placed his hand on hers, still on the book. She immediately stopped, his touch being so gentle and kind made her look up from his arm to Ben's eyes.

Deep brown met hazel and the world stopped. the lights in her room flickered slightly and Rey dropped the book, startling them out of the moment and causing Ben to let go of her. She panicked, shoved the book under her bed and covered Bens mouth with her hand. A patrol happened to be walking near her room, but he walked past without hesitation. Rey let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and removed her hand from his mouth, embarrassed.

"Yes," she answered his earlier question, "I wouldn't want to spend my day being questioned as to why I was awake past curfew." Ben cocked his head at her answer, but shrugged.

They spent the rest of their time together talking very little and just being content in each other's company. Hours passed and soon Ben had fallen asleep, facing Rey and linking their fingers together

Rey was left awake, wondering if this was what their future held. Would it all mean nothing in the end? Why is the force working in this way? It had to be fate, because why else would the universe connect them together? She gently stroked the back of his hand with her thumb and closed her eyes. She didn't want to think on the future now. She just enjoyed these moments and hoped that each one wouldn't be the last.

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Word count: 1198
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