iii - worry

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Ben wasn't ready to take on the duties of his master at all. The pressure alone was enough to cause him to stay awake all night for the past two days. There was also no telling when or where Hux would commit mutiny against him. It was obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together that General Hux hated Kylo Ren with every bone in his body. He had to leave before then, but how?

He had too many meetings that day with various military leaders about droning and repetitive plans to find the Resistance. Ben kept up the persona of the untouchable Supreme Leader, but inside he was more conflicted than ever. Rey was practically living in his mind, day and night. It had been a few days since their last connection. The both of them were busy trying to snuff out the other.

Unfortunately, Hux could tell that Kylo Ren's mind was elsewhere. He had yet to find out what happened in the throne room of the Supremacy the night Supreme Leader Snoke was supposedly murdered by the scavenger girl. He was going to get it out of Kylo Ren one way or another, and he had a plan on how...

Kylo made it to his quarters after another day of calling the Resistance 'rebel scum' and the like. It was getting old and tired very fast. The first thing he did was remove his gloves and just collapse on his bed facing the ceiling. The air around him became a vacuum and soon he could hear what sounded like a wrench loosening a bolt to his right. He turned and saw Rey lying beside him working on something above her. She was sweaty and had grime of some sort on her cheek and forehead.

"I'm a little busy at the moment," she said loud enough for him to hear but quiet enough for the workers around her to carry on without listening. This damn 74-Z speeder was giving her a run for her money. The exhaust was out of alignment and she had nothing better to do.

"Too busy to have a bit of company?" he asked in a small voice. She finally turned to look at him when she saw his face. He looked preoccupied and wary, as if someone would walk in to his room at any moment. Rey put down her tools.

"What's going on? Has something happened to you?" She was worried for him. Ben felt the corners of his mouth turn up just a bit.

"Is there a place we could talk alone?" he asked, almost like he'd scare her if he was louder. Rey answered quickly because she could see boots approaching her speeder.

"Let's try to connect two standard hours from now," she whispered hurriedly and slid out from under the speeder to meet whoever needed her. Ben disappeared before she got out but he received her message and looked at his ceiling again. He wanted so desperately to go to her. He could sense she was in a place of great meaning...but where?

Rey walked to the main landing pad and saw Chewbacca checking the Millennium Falcon's landing gear. She ran over and gave him a hug which he welcomed gratefully. The door was open and Poe strolled out with Finn, leading about fifteen new Resistance fighters to the mess hall for orientation. Rey smiled at Poe as he passed and gave him a wave. He winked back and saluted her, turning to the recruits and talking loudly about where everything was and whatnot. She'd catch up with them later. Now as Finn scooped her up in a bear hug, she  couldn't help herself giggling when he put her down. "I've missed you," Rey said truthfully while they walked to see how Rose was.

"You know I have too, Rey. We have a lot of catching up to do, do you want to come with me to the mess hall for dinner?" he asked with a smile on his face. She so desperately needed to talk to him, really about everything, but now wasn't a good time. Rey was still wondering why Ben was so in need of her company.

"Maybe some other time," Rey replied as they arrived at the hospital wing. Finn looked downcast at first but then he glanced up and saw Rose staring at him.

"Finn!" She smiled and waved at him. It was all Finn could do not to tackle her as he ran over to greet her. They laughed together as they hugged and immediately dove into conversation. Rey smiled and walked back outside and took a deep breath. Looking around the base, she smiled at how busy everyone looked, loading supplies into bunkers and groups of pilot and foot soldier trainees ran around. Medical workers were in their own little world, walking in and out of the hospital sector talking hither and dither of new methods to stitch up a muscle and what not.

On her way to the orientation, Rey was knocked over by a stray recruit. She hit the ground with a thud and looked to see who she hurt, but a fairly good looking man had gotten there first. "I'm so sorry, miss, I didn't mean to hit you. I wasn't looking where I was go-" he suddenly stopped ranting when he saw who he was talking to. His hand was outstretched to help her up and he half smiled and laughed.

"It's no worries," Rey smiled as she took his hand and got to her feet. "What's your name, soldier?" She asked kindly, seeing as he was a bit embarrassed. The boy rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled nervously.

"The name's Dax..and uh, you?" Dax replied bashfully. He had light brown hair and kind green eyes. His cheeks were tinted red with embarrassment, but Rey spared him by answering and sticking her hand out.

"Rey." Dax smiled and shook her hand. "Are you a new recruit?" she inquired with a small grin. He chuckled and replied.

"Yeah I'm from the local village, Gitan." Before Rey could say anymore, the intercom blasted,

"Orientation will begin in five minutes at Mess Hall A, five minutes at Mess Hall A." Dax cringed and looked to Rey with a 'sorry' expression.

"I'd better go, but it was nice meeting you!" He shouted while running down the hall to get to the mess hall. Rey shook her head and laughed to herself, continuing down the same hall at a slower pace than him.

Dax ducked into a small abandoned room, looking around quickly for any stray people, and took out his responder. "I've made contact. Operation Littlebird is now underway." Without skipping a beat, he walked back into the hall and joined in a group of other recruits on their way to the orientation.

Somewhere far away in another system, General Hux smiled.

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no harm in updating early! winter break has given me plenty of time to write :)

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Word count: 1176
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