x - caged

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"So...this is the wretched scavenger who's wreaked so much havoc for the First Order...I have to say I was expecting more..."

The voice was muffled and distant in Rey's clouded mind. The only thing she could distinguish about it was how much it didn't sound like Ben.

She tried to twist her wrists but they were bound together with thick fabric behind her back. Cold metal could be felt through her thin vest and her legs were immobile, tied to the chair she was forced to sit in. Rey whipped her head around trying to get her bearings, but the blindfold she had on kept the knowledge of her whereabouts unknown, however the mechanical smell of the room was oddly familiar.

"Comfortable?" The cold voice was suddenly next to her right ear, making her jump. Instinctively, she raised her shoulder to her ear, trying to rid herself of the anxiousness that coursed through her veins. She tightened her hands into fists.

"Where am I?" Rey asked in a defiant tone, ignoring the taunting question. A chilling laugh was heard from behind her, when it finally sank in. She was in the hands of the First Order. General Hux now finished pacing around her to stand in front of the scavenger.

"My dear, there's no need to be frightened," he said politely while clasping his gloved hands together. A twisted smile crawled up his thin lips before he continued, saying "I'm only going to entrap your precious Kylo Ren and destroy you both before taking my rightful place as the true Supreme Leader of the First Order."

Rey's nostrils flared with anger and frustration. She knew Hux was a small man with the need for limitless power, but she didn't know that he would be willing to commit regicide against Ben.


He didn't know. He didn't know he was walking into a trap. And that she was the bait. Rey couldn't let Hux see her moment of realization, so she chuckled humorlessly, replying "How can you expect to defeat such a powerful Force-user like Kylo Ren? You don't stand a chance against him, not even with the entire First Order behind you." She half expected him to laugh at her, but she heard nothing except footsteps coming closer to her.

Hux leaned over the chair arms to see her, face to face. Rey pushed her head back as far as she could to avoid his sneering voice. "Oh no, my dear, I don't have the First Order behind me...I have you," he murmured lowly.

She hesitated, then as Hux moved away, she hardened her stance in her seat, knowing she was going to be the leverage used against Ben when he came to rescue her.

But would he even come?

* * * *

"Do you have any clue where you're going?"

"Would you please shut up? I'm trying to listen for her-"

"Oh, right, the all-powerful 'force bond', I almost forgot about that nut."

It took Ben every ounce of patience he had within him to not slice the limbs off of Poe Dameron. Finn wasn't making any problems, no, he was just burning holes into the back of Ben's head.

The First Order shuttle still had active clearance codes, so landing wasn't going to be a problem. The problems all came after, when they had to infiltrate one of the most secure starships in the galaxy and rescue a high level prisoner.

Piece of cake.

Ben could feel her pull towards him to her location, so he left the autopilot on and excused himself from the cockpit for some air. It was hard to breathe with all of the ego filling up the room.

He made his way towards a bench in the main hold when Finn stopped him in his path, holding up a hand. "Is she alive?" he asked quietly while looking away, as if he didn't want to be talking to Ben.

"If she died, I would feel the fabric of my universe tear apart inside of me...so yes, she's okay. I can feel when she's in pain." Ben concluded, taking a seat on an open bench lining the hold. Finn seemed satisfied with this answer, so he cautiously made his way to the cockpit to join Poe.

Ben allowed his head to fall into his hands and he sighed deeply. Rey was all he knew now, she was all he had and all he ever would be. The thought of her in pain was enough to drive him mad. When he suddenly heard it.


He shot out of his seat at the sound of her voice in his mind. Ben knew she said his name as a warning, just from the tone and urgency. He marched back into the pilot's seat with a hurried pace. Poe and Finn sat up upon his arrival, waiting for an explanation.

Something was going to happen to them when they arrived and it wasn't going to be good.

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it feels so good to be writing again i'm actually so glad to be back :))

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Word Count: 850
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