Chapter 9: Pizza Infinities

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double maybe even triple updating bc I thought I posted more lol! I'll try getting an updating schedule up!:)

Okkkkeeyyyy read on:》》》》

Naveen's P O V

"Thanks guys." I mumbled, as they pulled away.

"Welcome." They all said, around the same time.

I lighlty laughed, laying my head on Zayn's shoulder.

"Hungry babe?" He asked.

"Starving, those antibiotics are doing wonders. I haven't eaten in..." I paused looking around at the boys, seeing there pleading eyes.

"A-awhile, speaking of which I'm gonna go get in line." I said, dismissing myself and my hand from Zayn and the guys.

Stupid stupid stupid stupid! They're already worried enough dumb ass

I sighed, grabbing a tray and looking at my options.

Louis's P O V

"You two seem to be getting along quite well?" I smirked, looking at Zayn. He scratched the back of his neck and smiled widely.

"Care to explain why? " I teased further, earning 3 other faces to join me in antagonizing our lad. We all scooted in more, resting our elbows on the table and leaning in for story time.

"Yes I asked her to be my girlfriend ok?" We all erupted in cheers, getting up and congratulating our lad for finally getting the balls.

Naveen's P O V

I looked back to see the boys man hugging Zayn, these boys and hugging I swear, I grinned widley. I grabbed my tray and headed back to the table. Sitting cross legged.Everyone but Zayn was giving me a childish 4 yr old grin, the kind when they know something and you don't.

"Yes?" I asked, "What do you guys uhh need?"

"Nothin." Louis shrugged, still plastered with the face.

"Ookaayy..?" I looked over at Zayn, for any kind of resolution. He simply scratched the back of his neck and gave me shy smile. I broke out in a grin, shaking my head and looking down at the tray.

Zayn's P O V

She was even more cute when she didn't know what was going on. I know I'd tell her later, the worried frown she delivered when she looked down at the tray told me exactly. I scooted closer to her, grabbing her hand and placing my arm around her figure, rubbing soothing circles. She picked up the slice of pizza, taking a small bite, chewing it slowly. Her eyes closed and she hummed in acceptance. I gave her a kiss on the cheek. Proud of her small yet meaningful accomplishment.

Infinity of pizzas later, her head was resting on my shoulder, both of us relaxing and enjoying our full estate. All of us were sharin a laugh and fully engaged in a conversation.


Naveen's P O V

"No Spider-Man is 10 times better he-"

"Naveen Coress?"

I looked up at the nurse with a clipboard, her nametag read Jamie and that she was in Therapeutic Counciling. My breath hitched in my throat.

"T-that's me."

"Come with me sweetheart."

"Can I come along?" Zayn asked, intertwining my right hand and his left.

"I suppose, but you'll have to wait in the waiting room." He nodded, helping me up.

"I'll message you guys the room number and stuff, yeah?" He asked the guys. They nodded, giving me a resuring smile. I faked one back, looking up at Zayn. He kissed the top of my head.

"This way please." Jamie stated. We nodded, Zayn leading us the way.

The hallway seemed to go on and on, my feet started to get heavier. Zayn was trailing ahead. We finally came to a stop in front of a very sealed off room, I stayed behind Zayn.

Zayn's P O V

"This way please." The nurse said, looking at Nav. She nodded.

"Can we have a minute? Please." I asked.

"Make it quick." She ordered, I nodded, looking down at Nav.

"I'll be right out here with the boys ok?" I asked. She nodded, walking into my arms.

"You'll be fine baby." I whispered in her ear. I pulled back, still holding her in my arms, and looked down at her worried face.

"I love you." I whispered against her lips.

"I love you too." She whispered back, I leaned in for a quick kiss before letting her walk away.


dun dun duuuunnnnn ...

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