Chapter Eighteen| Practical Exam

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"Now, we will begin the practical exam."

Finally, the exam I'm actually looking forward towards. After three days of the written exam, I was itching for some physical action. My eyes slowly roamed over the many teachers that stood before us until another pair had caught mine. My head was quick to snap forward once I had spotted Bakugou. I've been avoiding him like the plague ever since our video chat, I wasn't ready to face the topic yet.

But I know I was gonna have to eventually.

"It's possible to fail this exam, so if you want to go to training camp don't make any stupid mistakes. Now, I'm sure you all have some idea on what you will be doing."

"We're fighting robot warriors like in the entrance exam, right?" Kaminari was the first to shout out with Mina following behind.

"Too bad. For various reasons, the exam will be different this time!" My eyebrow rose in suspicion when Aizawa's scarf began to move around, that's when principal Nezu's head had popped out. Everyone seemed just as surprised as I was, I wonder how long he's been in there.

"From now on, we want to focus on person-to-person combat and hero work, and stress teaching that is closer to actual fighting.

So..we'll have you form teams of two to have you fight against one teacher! However, since there is an odd number of students, one group will be a group of three." I could feel myself deadpan once principal Nezu finished explaining. We were suppose to fight the teachers? Are they serious?! All of our shocked faces shifted back over towards Aizawa once he began speaking again.

"In addition, the pairs and who each pair will be up against has already been decided. These were determined at my discretion based on various factors, including fighting style, grades, and interpersonal relationships; so here they are-- First, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu are on one team, and they'll be fighting me.

And Midoriya, Bakugou, and (L/n) will be a group of three," The moment I heard my name follow after Bakugou's it was as if I had had a hard slap to the face. Midoriya and I both gave a shocked and weary glance at Bakugou, who in return did the same. Could this get anymore worse?

"And their opponent..."

Aizawa's voice began to fade out when a shadow from above grew in size. Oh, you have got to be shitting me. A gust of wind blew through us, taking the draining color in my face with it once I had laid eyes on the looming figure that landed before us.

"I...will do it!"

"All Might?!" Oh no, this defiantly got worse!

"Work together to beat me, you three!" I didn't need to turn my head to see that Bakugou and Midoriya were staring hard at one another.

What did I do to deserve this?


"What are you doing Todoroki?.." My heartbeat had quicken once he got strung up on the power lines. He seemed to be unable to escape while Momo ran in another direction. Just what exactly was their plan?


A sudden hand on my shoulder had caused me to swiftly turn away from the monitor. A pair of ruby red eyes was the first to catch my attention, following the rest of Bakugou's scowling face.

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