Chapter Twenty-Five| Commence the Training

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"Thanks for the food!"

I couldn't refrain from giving a content full hum once the savory food had met my taste buds. Everyone was practically inhaling their meal as we chowed down, which is understandable since we've been out fighting earth beasts for hours.

We were ravenous.

"Have you noticed how much better food tastes when you're starving?" My rice filled cheeks had attempted to smile when I glanced up at Todoroki, who had immediately broken out into a grin.

"I suppose so, by the way, you have rice all over your face."

"What? For real?" The chopsticks that I held quickly fell into my bowl when I patted my face for the grains. Sure enough, there was.

"Well that's embarrassing." I had let out an awkward laugh when I resumed to my meal.

"I noticed there's no bruising on your hands." I had acknowledged him with another hum as I swallowed a bite.

"Yeah, that only happens when I go past my limit. Which is normally when I'm losing energy, but lucky for me today was a bright and sunny day so there's no need to ice my arm again."

"I wouldn't have mind."

"Todoroki, I'm not going to make you my human ice pack every time I bruise myself."

"You wouldn't be making me, I'd willingly do it." He was looking at me after he had finished his plate of food, that gaze of his serious.

"Well, I suppose the next time it happens I'll just come straight to you." I had shot him a playful grin as I finished up the rest of my rice, to which he slowly returned.

He's already treated my injuries twice before, why not keep the streak going? It helps a lot when he does.

"Hey (Y/n), we're heading to the hot springs! You coming?" Ochako and the girls were all getting up now, making their way out of the cafeteria with giggles and chitchat. I had given her a nod as I took one final bite from the bowl.

"Looks like I gotta go, I'll see you later!"

"Okay." Todoroki watched as I quickly got up from the table with a goodbye wave before I ran off to catch up with them.


"Oh wow, this feels amazing~"

Most of the girls were already soaking in the hot spring with content washing all over their faces once I approached. I was beyond nervous since this was no doubt the moment when everyone would ask about my scar. My hands had gripped tighter on to the towel that wrapped itself around me as I steadily reached the edge.

"There you are! What took you so long?" Mina had shouted out to me with a grin, allowing everyone else to turn their heads.

Ah jeez, this was going to be even more awkward.

"Sorry, I was looking for my scrunchy." I had gestured a hand towards my ponytail when I turned to face away.

Just drop the towel and get in, don't make this a big deal.

Just drop, the towel.

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