{1}Deal Making{1}

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  A week had passed since they'd come back to the shack. And other than their grunkles constant worrying everything was normal. As normal as Gravity Falls gets that is.

  Mabel mostly stayed in her room or went out to parties and Dipper did the exact same except he went to the parties less frequently. If he did go it was because Pacifica nagged him until he said yes.

  They are best friends after all.

  Most of the time she got knockout drunk and Dipper had to help her home. Other times they stayed sober just to scope out the cute guys or girls. Both of them being bi.

  Dipper personally shipped her with Mabel who was a whole rainbow under her stoic exterior.

  Tonight though wasn't a night for parties. It was a night to sit quietly on your bed staring into your phone. Or in Dipper's case, it was a night to sneak out and do what he hadn't done since he was 14, it was time to explore the old woods.

  He, of course, was doing it tonight so Mabel wouldn't catch him. She'd have a full rant if she did. She is the voice of reason after all.

  He waited until every light he could see was off and the house to go silent. Once it happened he opened the window and slid out.

  He had become a pro at this in his high school years. And this was the first time it was going to be used for something wholesome, so to speak that is.

  He held his phone in an iron grip with the journal he wrote back when he was 14.

  After making it a few feet into the forest he turned on his phones flashlight and started exploring. The woods hadn't changed much so he would need to go much deeper in to find anything relatively new.

  He walked deeper and deeper until he couldn't see a single thing from the mystery shack. He smirked and started running, jogging, walking, and once more running.

  Eventually, he stumbled upon it, the exact thing he was looking for. Bills statue sat there in a pose as if he was reaching out. And in a split-second, the stone cracked.

  Dipper backed up as bill blinked his eye and laughed. His form transferred into a human-like form with sharp twisted teeth. His hair was an unnatural yellow and he had one bright yellow eye and the other was hidden under a black eye patch with brick designs on it. He started off in a nice tuxedo then changed into a pagan shirt and black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees.

  Dipper gulped lightly and backed up, and tripping over a branch, he went sprawling to the dirt ground.

  Bill walked up to him with a sly smirk making Dipper hurriedly scoot back and try to stand. Before he could get far though Bill grabbed him from behind.

  He continued to try and run and get out of the demon's grasp as Bill nuzzled his neck, "You still smell of pine trees even when your hat is gone."

  Dipper squeaked making the demon laugh, tickling his neck. He tried to pull away but Bill was stronger than him by far.

  The demon sighed and pulled away to examine the boy who was starting to be a man. He had stubble across his round and defined jaw. He still had a round nose that fit his face well. His eyes were the same except for more bravery and less adventure

  "You missed me, didn't you?"

  "Like a slave misses his captors", Dipper snarled.

  Bill chuckled and leaned in close. His eyes locked with the teenager sitting in front of him. Leaning in he whispered into Dippers ear making him shiver.

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