{5}Love Falling{5}

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  Dipper cringed as the demon stared into his eyes. He let go of the teens face a gave a small huff of annoyance.

  Mabel ran over and inspected him herself, "Bro bro you're going to be alright."

  Dipper flinched away from her and a hurt expression flooded her face. She pushed his hair away from his face, "Do you not remember me?"

  Bill quietly laughed from the corner he'd taken a seat in. He looked up to her, "Darling, he doesn't remember any of you."

  "No!", she yelled, standing up and facing Bill, "Give him back or I swear-!"

  "Swear what?", Bill interrupted with a laugh, "That you'll kill me?"

  She gritted her teeth, "If it comes to that I can find a way."

  Pacifica ran over to her, "Mabel we really shouldn't be trying to get the demon mad at us", she muttered into her ear.

  Bill smirked as Mabel huffed and sat back down onto the couch beside her brother.

  Wendy walked over to where the three teens were sitting on the couch. She sat on the arm and lifted up her feet like the others had done, as to not get their feet soaked in blood.

  Bill yawned, "Hey, its a life for life remember?"

  Dipper looked down, "Is it possible you can bring him back to life if I go with you?"

  Mabel lunged onto him, "No Dipper! You can we just got you back!"

  "But if I can fix this I should."

  Bill laughed lightly under his breath, "Next time your family wants to try and save you I'll kill you though. Are you okay with those terms?"


  Bill held out his flame-covered hand for Dipper to shake and he grabbed it, surprised the blue flames didn't hurt.

  With a snap of his fingers, Gideon's head reattached itself and he sat up in a screaming and bloody mess.

  Bill was laughing in his corner while receiving the deadliest glare know to man: Wendy's.

  She got up, stepping through the blood, "You're lucky you're immortal or I'd have ripped your head off by now."

  "How ironic", he hummed.

  Wendy socked him in the jaw and leaned back a bit. She turned around and rushed over to comfort the teens, while also keeping Gideon away.

  "Look at your wrist Gideon", Bill hummed, hatred evident in his voice.

  Gideon looked down and saw a small triangle with a top hat tattooed on. He shrieked and began to violently rub at his wrist. Mabel scoffed at his childish actions while she herself was hugging onto Pacifica like a scared child.

  Dipper slowly got up and walked over to where the demon sat.

  Dipper widened his eyes, memories flooding into his brain.

  Just as he remembered and Ford ran into the room yelling with Stan close behind, Dipper was gone. There's nothing more they could've done. The last thing the heard was Dipper's strangled cry of regret and sorrow.

  And just like that, they were plunged back to square one with less than before.


  Bill walked over to Dipper and punched him in the face, making his head whip harshly to the side.

  Dipper ended up, despite his best efforts, tripping over his feet and timeline down.

  "What the Fuck!", Dipper yelled up at him.

  "I'm angry and you're in my area so I punched."

  "You're such a dickhead! This is why you have no friends!"

  Bill scoffed and crouched down, "I guess I feel bad."

  Dipper rubbed his cheek and glared, "You guess? Have you never heard of the word sorry you moron?"

  Bill shot up, "You know what, fine! I won't be nice and you can do what you want but never leave this house."

  Dipper rolled his eyes and looked away. "Pinetree, I know I'm not the nicest person in the world but I do mean well."

  He signed and rubbed the back of his neck, "Just, ugh, you don't have to say anything just know that I'll be here to talk about your weird human emotions."

  Dipper gave him a small half smile. Bill nodded awkwardly and walked up the stairs, turning around once to look down and smile.

  Dipper laid back down onto the couch with a small huff. He turned over and stared at the couch until he was able to fall into a calm and dreamless sleep.

  Dipper woke up a few hours later to a voice that called him to come outside. He couldn't pinpoint who's voice it was but it sounded eerily familiar.

  Slowly he got up off the couch, cringing when the springs made noise. He, as quietly as possible, walked to the door and began opening it.

  Bill rushed down the stairs and slammed the door. He grabbed Dipper's face, examining his eyes.

  The demon breathed a small sigh of relief and grabbed his hand. Dipper was confused, and a half asleep, but didn't fight the hand.

  Bill led him into a bedroom and sighed. He looked down to the now grown up, someone completely different from his 12-year-old self.

  "Hey, go lay down and get some sleep, we'll talk about the dangers of this place in the morning, or like morning."

  Dipper gave him a sleepy nod and stumbled over to the bed. He crawled in and tucked himself in.

  Bill smiled, only slightly, and walked out closing the door behind him.

  Dipper woke up after another few hours when Bill came in and woke him up by jumping on the bed.

  "Hey, sleepyhead come downstairs and eat breakfast because I heard that's a thing mortals do."


  Dipper shooed Bill out of his room so he could get dressed. After he had successfully found and put on clothes the threw the door open and walked down the stairs.

  Bill handed him a plate and the sat down at opposite ends of the table.

  "So I guess I should explain now."


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