{2}Pain, Suffering, and Bill Cipher{2}

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  He ran from where the once again human Bill stood and started freaking out. He wasn't in his room anymore, to be frank, he didn't know where he was at all.

  Bill sighed and walked over to where the teen was freaking out. "Now come on Pinetree it's not that bad being here with me", Bill muttered.

  "Yes, it is!"

  Bill frowned, "Well then until you realize how much you adore me then you can stay in your room."

  "What?-", before Dipper could finish his sentence Bill snapped his fingers, transporting him to another room.

  He looked around and noticed it was fairly big. He could work with this. Yeah, he definitely couldn't work with this but what choice did he really have?


  To say, Mabel was freaking out right now would be the understatement of the century. She had called Wendy, Pacifica, and even Gideon over just to discuss what the hell they were going to do. Right now however they had no idea. Stan and Ford were pacing the room and Soos was holding his youngest in his arms.

  Gideon was the first to arrive, his shoulder-length white hair curled neatly, he wore dress shoes and pants with a white button-up shirt. He was tall and a bit muscular making him look like a completely different person.

Pacifica got there next with her long blonde hair tied tightly back into a ponytail, sporting a tank top and sweats with a pair of gold Adidas. He stature was about the same though she grew a few inches since they last saw her.

Last to arrive was Wendy, who looked almost the same, her hair was cut into a short pixie and she wore flannel and ripped jeans with combat boots.

  They greeted everyone and asked why they were called so suddenly to come to the shack. "Hey, Mabel, Where's Dipper?"

  "Well that's why you all are here", she paused for a second to regain her composure, "Bill took him."

  Everyone's eyes widened. "So I called all of you here because I need-"

  They all seemed to have a downcast expression and weren't even paying attention to what she was trying to tell them. Eventually, she got tired of it and looked for a way to get their attention and she found one rather quickly.

  She punched the table, sending a huge crack through it and her own hand. "Pay attention my brother was taken by that horrid demon!"

  Everyone's eyes widened at her outburst, the Mabel they knew would never yell like that, much less punch a table. She was breathing hard and her eyes were fiery showing here old spirit just a hundred times more dark.

  "If you're not going to be helpful then you mine as well leave", she muttered with gritted teeth, "Well are you staying or leaving?"

  Everyone sat down around the table and Soos handed his son to Melody and sat down with the rest. Melody took the kids to the attic so they wouldn't get in the way or scared from their conversation.

  "So here's the plan", she started.


  Dipper had been sitting in his room listening to his Spotify playlist all day, and about all night. He still wasn't budging to Bill's demands that he like him.

  He'd made a deal to stay with him the deal didn't include liking him. So he would stay stubborn until the end of his life. Or until his family came and saved him.

  So he sat with music from various artists blasting in his ears and occasionally sleeping. If he did sleep Bill usually would watch him from the ceiling, like a total creep.

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