Chapter 22

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Chapter 23

Lydia POV

The house was in an uproar. Screams and yells enveloped what could no longer be called a home. A home was where a family resided and this was anything but that. Mr. Weathers had taken to his work to escape the drama of the women of the house. Elizabeth hadn't left her room and Juliana sulked quietly. Mrs. Weathers was conversing with all of her friends, assuring them of the false nature of the rumors.

The servants were shocked as well. Some felt that it was an outrageous lie, while some questioned its validity. I was too concerned with my own affairs to engage in the gossip. I had to serve more than usual the past few days, and hadn't had a moment to myself. Elizabeth was being very needy, and I thought I might lose my mind if she didn't leave the house.

The polo match was this weekend, and if she didn't attend it would prove the trueness of the rumors. I know I was mean spirited for thinking such thoughts, but part of me was happy the great Elizabeth was suffering just a bit. She was so beautiful, rich, and could date a well bred man without secrecy. I was green with envy.

"Lydia hang this laundry out back on the lines," my ‘mom' said.

"Yes, mother.”

I hefted the big basket of wet sheets and carried them outside. I was relieved to be away from the insanity.  I began to hang the dripping sheets. Soon I was lost in thought. A hand came out from behind me and clamped it over my mouth. Fear seized my whole body. I tried to struggle and scream, but the grip just got firmer.

"Shhhhh Lydia it’s just me," came the warm familiar voice of Jake. I whipped around and saw him. He was crouched behind the swaying sheet I had just hung. He was so handsome. The light shone behind him, highlighting his tousled brown hair. His blue eyes were so mesmerizing. I became self conscious of my dull appearance and dreadfully worn clothing.

"You nearly gave me a fright.” Tears were pooling at the corner of my eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't want anyone to see or hear us.” He pulled me close. His strong arms held me ever so gently. I couldn't help but to shiver.

"Go! We’re going to get caught.”

"So, it's worth it to see the most beautiful girl in the world.”

"Don't lie to me. My mother will come out any minute to check the wash, and if she finds you here that will be the end of us."

"Please there is so much to say, I will only be a few minutes." 

I kept looking over my shoulder, just waiting for someone to catch us."I got your note.”

"Good, I meant every word I wrote.” He stepped closer now and clasped my hands in his. My breath left me. He leaned in and gently gave me a tender kiss on the lips. It was better than anything in the world.

"Lydia.” He was rocking on his heels, his hands in his pocket.

“I wanted to tell you I want to be with you. I don't care that we have to meet in secret. "Lydia I love you. That night we kissed, I realized I couldn't ever love anyone but you. You understand me in ways I never was able to understand myself. You make me want to be a better person. I need you in my life.”

I forgot about the laundry, Elizabeth and everything else. We just held each other in our arms. I couldn't help but to love the forbiddingness of our embraces.

"Before I go I have something for you.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. I took it hesitantly. My fingers trembled.

"Go ahead, open it.”

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