Chapter 19

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Chapter 20

Juliana POV

Despite what I told Elizabeth I still wasn't thoroughly convinced someone didn't know about Derek and I. If my mother and father found out about us we would be absolutely forbidden to see each other. Secret courtships aren't exactly favored. Soon speculations and accusations would be flying.

Lilly stared at me from across the table. When she heard about Elizabeth she had come over to check on her well being.  Now we were sipping tea in the parlor. It was nearing four o'clock. It had already been a few hours since Elizabeth’s ordeal. I was just now beginning to breathe without my heart pounding in my chest, or feeling ill.

Elizabeth and I had lain in her bed talking for about half an hour before the doctor had instructed that Elizabeth get some rest.  My mother had decided to lie down as well. All the excitement had frazzled her nerves. Father had some business he had to attend to. The servants were going back and forth with tea and wet cloths to Elizabeth’s room.

"She will be alright Juliana," Lilly said.

"Oh, yes.” I pretended that is what had been distracting me.

"Juliana, there is something you are withholding from me?”

"Well it's just that, don't you find it odd that Oleander was in the boat, it doesn't grow here,” I reasoned.

"Are you insinuating someone put it there?"She looked intrigued and gave me a look of fake concern.

"I don't know it seems daft doesn't it.”

"Well, maybe there was never any Oleander," Lilly said, lowering her voice to a whisper. Her eyes twinkled of conspiracy and scandal,

"What ever do you mean, what would she have gotten sick from?”

"How do I put this, maybe she became ill from her delicate condition and they said it was Oleander in order to conceal her untimely swoon."

"Lilly, how could you say such a thing about my sister.”

"Ponder over it Juliana, Tim said he saw the Oleander after your mother told him about her allergy, not before. You yourself said it doesn't grow here."

"Lilly, they just met at the ball a few weeks ago. Do you really think they would do something so rash. Besides she didn't accept the courtship he offered. She wanted to slow down the relationship. What your insinuating is just the opposite.” I remained firm in defending my sister, but my own doubts began forming in the back of my mind.

"He offered her a courtship,” Lilly’s eyes widened in disbelief as she uttered her question in amazement.

"Oh, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone about that!”

"Don't worry I won't tell a soul. Besides don't you think she would tell you that so you wouldn't become suspicious?"

"Lilly stop! My sister is not with child. I know I have said hurtful things about Elizabeth in the past, but I have decided to stop that. Her almost dying has made me realize how awful I have been. If you are my friend you will change too. Please do not tell anyone about your 'theory' it will ruin her Lilly, just ruin her.” Lilly looked so ashamed.

"I am truly sorry Juliana, your right. Well I must be going; my family will be expecting me shortly for dinner.”

"I didn't mean to lose my temper Lilly, you don't have to go.”

"I think its best, I will see you soon.”

I kissed Lilly on the cheek, and hugged her tightly. She was my dear friend, and I am so glad she so understood.

"Lydia, fetch Miss Wren's belongings."

"Give my best to Elizabeth please. I wish her a speedy recovery."

"I will do, thank you Lilly.”

I know what Lilly thought was a lie. As I watched her pull away in the coach, I couldn't help but to roll it over in my mind a bit. I pushed such thoughts out of my head quickly though. She was healthy and that was the most important thing right now. I am so glad to have such a trustworthy forgiving friend such as Lilly.

Or so I thought.

Hello Dear readers,

This is the first time you have heard from me. Of course I can’t tell you who I am, because that would spoil all of our little fun. You see I don’t like the weathers. In fact I hate them. They hurt me many years ago, but that is beside the point. Dear Elizabeth has been such a good girl hasn’t she? She is just little Miss perfect. Well that’s why I had to poison her. Shocked!? I’m not blood thirsty! No dying is far too easy. I want them to suffer. Socially, emotionally, physically, whatever comes first? It often seems being subtle is the way to go. I’m building up for more to come. This is just the beginning. But you won’t say anything will you? Of course not because I know much about you too. So shhhhh……







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